Bachelor of Business/Diploma of Information Technology (Technical and User Support) - BBus/DipIT(T&US)

General information

Course code: 1903
The Bachelor of Business/Diploma of Information Technology (Technical and User Support) program offers students the opportunity to graduate with two separate awards, a Bachelor of Business degree from Monash University and a Diploma of Information Technology (Technical and User Support) from Chisholm Institute. Students are able to cross-credit subjects from one award to the other, allowing them to complete both courses after four years of full-time study.

Admission requirements

(a) Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

Satisfactory completion of the VCE, with a study score of at least 25 in English units 3 and 4, plus any two units from General Mathematics and Mathematical Methods at unit 1 and 2 level.

(b) Comparable qualifications

Applicants may also satisfy entrance requirements on the basis of qualifications deemed to be the equivalent of the above VCE. TAFE qualifications (eg the first year of a TAFE associate diploma or a TAFE qualification that satisfies the first year of a TAFE associate diploma) or comparable Year 12 qualifications, including International Baccalaureate or approved tertiary-level study completed in Victoria, other states of Australia or overseas, may satisfy entry requirements.

(c) Special admission

Students who have not successfully completed VCE or equivalent may satisfy entry requirements by completing at least two Monash non-award single subjects or open learning (OLA) subjects. Further information is contained in the booklet 'Returning to study at Monash', which is available from the Prospective Students Office, telephone (03) 9905 1320.


Double-award students pay two sets of fees - one for the university component of their studies and one for the TAFE component. The Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) requires contributions to be made by students towards the cost of their higher education studies commenced after 1 January 1989. The amount to be contributed depends on the study load (subjects) undertaken each semester, and is payable whether or not a pass in each subject is achieved. An additional fee will also apply for amenities and library services. More detailed information relating to HECS can be obtained from Student Relations and Inquiries, Monash University, Berwick Campus, Clyde Road, Berwick, Victoria 3806. For the TAFE component, students pay an upfront course fee and a student services and amenities fee.

Credit for work done elsewhere

Credits and exemptions may be considered for previous tertiary-level study or post-secondary study (including TAFE) in Australia and overseas. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. It is essential that subjects submitted for credit and exemption fit the philosophy and principles of this degree course of study. Subjects studied more than 10 years ago are regarded as beyond a reasonable time limit and will not be considered for credit/exemption.

Mode of offering

This course is taught on-campus at the Berwick campus of Monash University and at the Berwick campus of Chisholm Institute.

Professional recognition

Successful completion of the required subjects will satisfy the tertiary requirements for admission as an Associate of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (ASCPA). To achieve CPA status, graduates would need to complete the society's CPA program and satisfy an experience requirement.
Students undertaking the management stream should consider application for membership of the Australian Institute of Management.
The Bachelor of Business with a six-subject sequence in marketing will satisfy the requirements for affiliate membership to the Australian Marketing Institute.


Four years full time.

Course structure

Students must complete 18 subjects to satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Business degree.
(a) A candidate must complete the following seven core business subjects:

(b) A candidate must complete one study of at least six semester subjects chosen from accounting, economics, management, marketing and tourism management and two submajors of at least four semester subjects chosen from the above disciplines and law; or a candidate must complete two sequences of at least six semester subjects chosen from accounting, economics, management, marketing and tourism management and up to two elective subjects.
Students must complete the following subjects to satisfy the requirements for the Diploma of Information Technology (Technical and User Support):

Business teaching areas


The course includes an accounting sequence with a minimum of six subjects. Additional accounting subjects are also provided for students who wish to satisfy the educational requirement for admission to the qualifying studies of the professional accounting bodies.
The following accounting subjects are available to students undertaking the Bachelor of Business degree:

To major in accounting, the first two subjects are compulsory. Students seeking membership of the professional accounting bodies in Australia must complete the Bachelor of Business degree with the eight accounting subjects specified by the professional bodies marked (*) above.
Successful completion of the required subjects will satisfy the tertiary requirements for admission as an Associate of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (ASCPA). To achieve CPA status, graduates would need to complete the society's CPA program and satisfy an experience requirement.
Graduates who take these required subjects also satisfy the tertiary requirements for admission to The Institute of Chartered Accountants. Membership may be applied for following successful completion of the institute's Professional Year program, and an experience requirement.

Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants

For associate membership:


Students enrolling in the Bachelor of Business degree may elect to complete a sequence of six subjects of economics, or may select fewer economics subjects as electives to support their chosen majors. Subjects available are:


Compulsory subjects:

plus four subjects chosen from:

Students completing a submajor in management are required to complete two compulsory subjects, MGB1302 (Management theory and functions) and MGB1303 (Organisational behaviour), plus two of the other subjects listed above.
Students undertaking the management stream should consider application for membership of the Australian Institute of Management.


To complete the sequence in marketing, a student would be required to satisfy the examiners in the following six subjects or complete a submajor in four of the following subjects:

The Bachelor of Business with a six subject sequence in marketing will satisfy the requirements for affiliate membership to the Australian Marketing Institute.

Tourism management

The sequence in tourism management commences with a broad overview of the industry and progresses to a more detailed examination of tourism business operations management. The advanced-level subjects are concerned with destination management and project development. With the compulsory core subjects, and appropriate choices in other streams, graduates with a tourism management major will be well prepared to enter a management career path in public or private tourism-related activities, or for successful operation of their own tourism business.
The stream in tourism management comprises six compulsory subjects as follows:


Law is offered as a submajor in the Bachelor of Business degree. All students must complete BTB1201 (Introduction to business law). The following additional subjects should be taken for professional studies in accounting:

Progression to further studies

Students whose academic performance is considered of sufficient standard may proceed to honours studies in one of the specialisations of accounting, economics, management, marketing or tourism at the Gippsland campus.