
Environmental design

6 points · 39 contact hours · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisities: CIV2221, ENE3604, ENE3605, CIV3244 · Corequisites: CIV3261 and CIV3263, or CIV3225 and CIV3228 or CIV3281

Objectives Students are expected to use their knowledge of all environmental engineering areas to solve a complex problem based on a real world project. This task should enhance their understanding of the design and decision making process. Students should further develop their skills to make critical observations of engineering projects; transfer real world engineering problems into mathematical models; integrate concepts and ideas from different disciplines; implement the concepts of sustainability; act as both a team leader and a team member; and communicate through oral and written means.

Synopsis Students will work in groups to carry out a design for a specified development which will include policy, economic, environmental, social and technical aspects. The design will vary from year to year. The design problem is expected to be that used in CIV4212 (Civil engineering practice 4), however, greater attention will need to be paid to sustainability issues than would be expected for the civil engineering students.

Assessment Written and oral design submission and interview of individual students: 100%

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