
The water environment

3 points · 26 lectures and 13 tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisite: ENE2102

Objectives This is an introductory subject on the basic sources, uses, chemistry, microbiology, supply, treatment, and discharge of water and wastewaters. The subject sets out to introduce and develop knowledge and understanding of the water environment, in order to allow an informed appreciation of the importance, problems and consequences of water utilisation, and to provide the basis for specific engineering skills to develop, manage and treat water supplies and ensure appropriate wastewater treatment and discharge leading to sustainability.

Synopsis Water quality standards for various uses. Introduction to aquatic chemistry and microbiology. Water pollution problems related to urban and rural areas. Water sustainability issues. Design of water sampling networks. Introduction to water and wastewater collection and treatment processes.

Assessment Examination: 70% · Assignments: 30%

Prescribed texts

Henry J G and Heinke G W Environmental science and engineering 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1996

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