

R J Keller

4 points · 26 lectures, 13 tutorials and 9 laboratory classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MEC2430 or CIV2261

Objectives To develop knowledge and skills used in the application of hydraulics to analysis and design of open channel, pipe and pump flows.

Synopsis Equations of motion of viscous fluids; turbulence; boundary layers. Pump system design. Flow in open channels; basic equations; resistance to flow, normal depth, surface profiles; time dependent motion. Pipe networks, culvert hydraulics, flow measurement structures.

Assessment Examinations (3 hours): 70% · Practical work/Laboratory work: 30%

Recommended texts

Douglas J and others Fluid mechanics Pitman, 1979
French R Open channel hydraulics McGraw-Hill, 1986
Henderson F M Open channel flow Macmillan, 1966

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