
The air environment

3 points · 26 lectures and 13 tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisite: ENE2102

Objectives This is an introductory subject on the basic properties and behaviour of the atmosphere, and the nature, fate and consequences of discharges into the atmospheric environment. The subject sets out to introduce and develop knowledge and understanding of the air environment, in order to allow an informed appreciation of the problems and consequences of discharges to the atmosphere, and to provide the basis for specific engineering skills to prevent, minimise, or manage discharges.

Synopsis Properties of the atmosphere; introduction to meteorology and climatology; sources, measurement, and fate of air pollutants; effects of air pollution; accumulation of pollutants and global change; dispersion, prediction of pollutant concentration; approaches to control; regulation. Emphasis on prevention and control of air pollution.

Assessment Examination: 70% · Assignments: 30%

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