Arts disciplinary majors and minors in the BA degree

Arts disciplinary majors and minors in the BA degree







American studies


Ancient greek






Art history and theory


Australian studies



Behavioural Studies



Business chinese


Business Japanese


Cambodian (Khmer)




Chinese studies


Classical history and culture


Communication studies



Community studies


Comparative literature and cultural studies


Comparative societies









English in use


Environmental science


European studies


Film and television studies




Gender studies







Hebrew language










Indonesian studies


International studies







Jewish civilisation


Journalism studies



Koorie studies






Korean studies






Mass communications


Modern Greek




Performing arts






Police studies



Policy studies












Religion and theology




Slavic studies











Thai studies




Visual culture


Women's studies




Psychology within undergraduate arts degrees

The Faculty of Arts at faculty board meeting 4/98 adopted the following rules for implementation from 1999:
1 That for the purposes of defining the structure of the Bachelor of Arts, psychology be included in the Schedule of arts disciplines.
2 Students studying the Bachelor of Arts degree as part of a double degree program may only take psychology as an arts minor sequence.
3 Students who enrol in the Diploma in Arts cannot study psychology as an arts discipline;
A detailed explanation of the effect of this on the various degrees follows:

Bachelor of Arts degree

1 That the Bachelor of Arts degree on all campuses permits a major in psychology as an arts discipline. (This means that students can also do a major in another discipline offered by another faculty to make up their fifty-two 'free' points.)

Bachelor of Arts tagged degrees which accommodate psychology as a major

2 The BA (Police Studies) and the Bachelor of Arts (Policy Studies) at Caulfield and the Bachelor of Arts (Humanities and Psychology) and Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) at the Gippsland campus permit the study of a second arts discipline (eg psychology) or a non-arts discipline within the fifty-two 'free' points.
3 The BA (International Communication) at the Peninsula campus has compulsory streams in international studies, communication studies and a language. The fourth stream can be taken from subjects offered by other faculties, hence psychology can be studied up to the level of a major.

Bachelor of Arts tagged degrees - structural limitations

4 The BA (Asian Studies) and the Bachelor of Arts (European Studies) permit the study of an arts discipline or a discipline from another faculty up to twenty-eight points (ie psychology as a minor sequence only).
5 The BA (Languages) only permits the study at first year of an arts or non-arts discipline (ie twelve points psychology).
6 The BA (Social Sciences) degree permits students to complete a social sciences major but if psychology is selected as the social sciences major, then economics, a discipline from outside the faculty, can only be completed as a minor sequence as a second arts discipline is prescribed. This is set out in the existing course regulations.

Other undergraduate degrees of the faculty

7 The Bachelor of Letters degree specifically excludes the study of psychology and we wish to retain this restriction. The Faculty of Science offers a Graduate Diploma of Psychology for students who have studied a discipline other than psychology in their undergraduate degree whilst the Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology is for students who have completed a major in psychology.
8. The rules for the Bachelor of Arts degree do not apply to the Bachelor of Music and the Bachelor of Performing Arts as they have set course structures. It is possible for twelve points of psychology to be undertaken in the Bachelor of Music and thirty-six points of psychology in the BPA.
9 Psychology cannot be studied within the Diploma in Arts. (Students should check with the Faculty of Science regarding eligibility for the Diploma of Psychology.)
10 Students undertaking the Bachelor of Communication degree at Berwick will not be permitted to study psychology as their arts sequence but may study psychology as their elective sequence.

Double degree programs

11 Psychology can be taken as an arts discipline in BA/double degree programs as a minor sequence. The exception to this rule is the the Bachelor Arts (Humanities and Psychology) in combination with education and social welfare which permit psychology as a major sequence.

The Honours degree of Bachelor of Arts

12 Psychology may be studied as an honours discipline within the Bachelor of Arts (Hons).

Non-arts subjects available within the Bachelor of Arts

Subjects to the value of fifty-two points can be studied from a faculty other than Arts. The faculties offering subjects of interest to arts students include Art and Design, Business and Economics, Education, Information Technology, Law, and Science.

Subjects offered by the Faculty of Art and Design

Subjects offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts may complete subjects offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics selected from the following disciplines:

Subjects offered by the Faculty of Education

Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts may complete subjects offered by the Faculty of Education on the Clayton, Peninsula or Gippsland campuses. Areas of study include education studies, teaching and curriculum studies, studies of society and environment, science health, and physical education.
Further information may be obtained by referring to the Faculty of Education, or from the administrative officer, Peninsula campus (telephone 9904 4291), Clayton campus (telephone 9905 2880), or Gippsland canpus (telephone 9902 6375).

Subjects offered by the Faculty of Information Technology

Subjects offered by the Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science offers a range of subjects of interest to arts students. In particular students are referred to those subjects which do not have Year 12 prerequisites:

Applied statistics

Offered at the Peninsula campus subject to demand.

Atmospheric science
Biological sciences
Earth sciences

A range of subjects at first, second and third year

Statistical mathematics

Subjects offered by the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine also offers subjects of interest, in particular:

For details regarding offerings in anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology, please contact the Faculty of Medicine.