
Professional communication and documentation (non-Arts subject)

6 points - One 2-hour workshop - and two hours of combined practical and tutorial work per week - Second semester - Clayton, Caulfield - Prohibitions: BUS2030, CSC1050, GCO1063, SYS2204

Objectives On completion of the subject, students should be able to create technical and professional documents by use of the Web and other electronic media; write clear technical documentation, instruction manuals and reports; design audience-appropriate graphical interfaces and write collaboratively.

Synopsis This subject aims to prepare students for professional writing needs in an electronic era. It emphasises the use of the Web and other electronic media in the creation of technical and professional documents and is based strongly on a user-centred approach to writing. Topics include collaborative writing, Web design, technical documentation, manuals and reports.

Assessment Assignments: 100%

Recommended texts

Gerson S J and Gerson S M Technical writing 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Comer D E The internet 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Preece J (ed) A guide to usability Addison-Wesley, 1997
Brockman R J Writing better user documentation from paper to Hypertext version 2.0 Wiley, 1990

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