
Introduction to painting/drawing 2 (non-Arts subject)

6 points - 3 studio hours and 9 independent study hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield and Gippsland - Prerequisites: FNA0106 or enrolment in any Monash degree course plus VCE Art

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should appreciate artistic methods of probing visual perception, through drawing and painting from observation; appreciate the objective and subjective aspects of observation and understand their artistic application as a combination of analytical and synthesising methods; possess skills in drawing and painting and develop an understanding about how they can be improved through the discipline of studio practice; appreciate how the practical study of various objects - through drawing and drawing-based painting ñ reveals the rich sensuality of things and the pleasure of having clear intelligence of their appearance.

Synopsis The semester is presented alternately in the form of a drawing class and a painting class. Topics are presented in a sequence to develop artistic insight, enhance technical skills and inspire artistic ambitions. These topics include proportion, the representation of three-dimensional form, light and shade and the role of interpretation. The practical studio sessions will be conducted by class exercises, with individual tuition. There will be some slide talks and discussion covering examples of work relevant to the set topics.

Assessment Folio: 100%

Recommended texts

As for FNA0106

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