Dean's Scholars Program

General information

Students are offered the opportinity to plan, in consulatation with an academic adviser, personalised courses which differ from the nomal Bachelor of Arts degree program in academic depth and scope. Students may choose to take additional subjects which extend their knowledge in particular areas. The coordinator of the Dean's Scholars Program will assist students planning their programs of study and will organise a seminar program each semester and arrange for mentoring where necessary.

Admission requirements for the Dean's Scholars Program

The normal entry requirement is the satisfactory completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or equivalent. In addition, students must achieve an ENTER of 93.25 (TER of 90) or above to be eligible for selection into this program. In addition, applicants must achieve a grade average of A in English and in any three of Classical Societies and Cultures, Geography, History (any), International Studies, Literature, LOTE (Any), Political Studies, Music or Drama and Theatre Studies.

Dean's Scholars Awards

Students selected into the Dean's Scholars Program may be eligible for a Dean's Scholars Award to the value of the normal upfront HECS fee to a ceiling of $4000 per year.

Continuation in the program

The performance of Dean's Scholars will be evaluated at the end of each semester. Students are expected to continue achieving at the same high level at which they entered the program (normally distinction level). Students unable to maintain the required level of performance in each semester will be transferred to the normal degree program. They will retain any credit already awarded but will forfeit a Dean's Scholars Award if they hold one.