The Bachelor of Laws (Honours) courses at Monash University (including all double degrees with Law) are approved academic courses that satisfy the academic requirements for admission to practice as a barrister or solicitor in the state of Victoria. The courses are recognised for admission in other Australian States and some international jurisdictions including Singapore and Malaysia, and are accepted as qualifying a graduate to sit the Bar Examination in some US states. Students who plan to seek admission to practice in an interstate or overseas jurisdiction after graduation should seek advice from the admitting authorities in that jurisdiction.
Victorian Legal Admissions Board requirements for admission to practice
The Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB) is responsible for the recognition of law qualifications in Victoria and the administration of the Legal Profession Uniform Admission Rules 2015. These rules state that to be admitted to practice as a barrister or solicitor in the state of Victoria, applicants must have completed a tertiary qualification(s) in Australia which includes:
a. the equivalent of at least three years of full-time study of law
b. units of study which demonstrate an understanding of and competence of 11 specified areas of legal knowledge.
In addition, candidates for admission to practice must have completed Practical Legal Training (PLT) through an approved PLT provider.
For admission to practice at the Singapore Bar
Students who wish to qualify for admission to practice law in Singapore must graduate in the top 70 per cent, in terms of academic performance, of their graduating cohort. Students are advised to communicate with the Singapore Bar for details and further requirements.
Legal Profession Qualifying Board Malaysia requirements for admission to practice
Students who wish to qualify for admission to practice law in Malaysia must meet the requirements of the Legal Profession Qualifying Board Malaysia. This includes the requirement for completion of a full year of both Torts and Constitutional Law. Students should therefore complete LAW4112 (Advanced constitutional law) in addition to LAW2111 (Constitutional law); and LAW4301 (Advanced Torts) in addition to LAW1113 (Torts).
For admission to practice at the Indian Bar
The Monash LLB (Hons) course is recognised for admission purposes in India. Students who wish to be admitted in India should consult the Bar Council of India regarding further bridging or other courses they may need to undertake prior to admission.