Disciplines - Faculty of Arts

Unit codes

At Monash, unit codes are made up of a three-letter prefix followed by four numbers. The three-letter prefix identifies the faculty, and the first of these four numbers refers to the year level of the unit, i.e. ATS1010 is a first-year-level Arts unit, and ATS2010 is a second-year-level Arts unit.

Occasional reference is made to desirable or prerequisite studies in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) - those students who did not study the VCE should seek advice about unit choice for students with qualifications other than the VCE.

Units from other faculties recognised as arts units


In addition to their Arts discipline major and minor and other Arts requirements, students undertaking some Arts courses can study another major in a non-Arts discipline. If students wish to undertake the 60-point APAC accredited major in psychology in addition to counting 48 points towards a non-Arts major, they will be permitted to count the additional 12 points as the further 12 points in Arts units.

For further information, see the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences section of this handbook, or contact ug.psych@monash.edu; telephone +61 3 9905 3965.

Units available to Arts students from other faculties as non-Arts units

In addition to their Arts discipline major and minor and other Arts requirements, students undertaking some Arts courses can study another major in a non-Arts discipline. The faculties offering disciplines and units that are of interest to Arts students include Art and Design, Business and Economics, Information Technology, Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences and Science. Students should refer to individual faculty sections in this handbook to obtain detailed information on the choices available and consult with the faculty that owns particular units regarding unit prerequisites or quotas.

The Faculty of Arts offers double-degree programs with most other faculties of the university. These degrees are of particular interest to students who wish to pursue disciplines from different faculties.