Course maps
- Bachelor of Architectural Design - F2001
- Bachelor of Arts - A2000
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Art - A2005
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music - A2004
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science - M2003
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced (Honours) - M3004
- Bachelor of Business - B2000
- Bachelor of Business Administration - B2007
- Bachelor of Business Specialist - B2003
- Bachelor of Business Specialist and Bachelor of Arts - B2012
- Bachelor of Business Specialist and Bachelor of Information Technology - B2018
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Arts - B2019
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Business Specialist - B2013
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology - B2017
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Media Communication - B2028
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce - B2026
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies - B2027
- Bachelor of Commerce - B2001
- Bachelor of Commerce Specialist - B2004
- Bachelor of Commerce Specialist and Bachelor of Arts - B2024
- Bachelor of Commerce Specialist and Bachelor of Computer Science - B2009
- Bachelor of Commerce Specialist and Bachelor of Information Technology - B2015
- Bachelor of Commerce Specialist and Bachelor of Science - B2016
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts - B2020
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Biomedical Science - B2021
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce Specialist - B2014
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Computer Science - B2008
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Global Studies - B2006
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology - B2025
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Music - B2022
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science - B2023
- Bachelor of Communication Design (Honours) - F3702
- Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies - A2007
- Bachelor of Computer Science - C2001
- Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Honours) - C3001
- Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences - 4307
- Bachelor of Design - F2002
- Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Business - F2004
- Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Information Technology - F2005
- Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Media Communication - F2009
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) - D3001
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts - D3002
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Business - D3007
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce - D3003
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Fine Art - D3006
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Information Technology - D3009
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Music - D3004
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Science - D3005
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood - D2002
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - E3001
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Architectural Design - E3009
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts - E3002
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical Science - E3004
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce - E3005
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce Specialist - E3003
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Computer Science - E3010
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Design - E3006
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Information Technology - E3011
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science - E3008
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Science - E3007
- Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) - F3701
- Bachelor of Fine Art - F2003
- Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor of Business - F2007
- Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor of Information Technology - F2006
- Bachelor of Food Science and Technology - S2009
- Bachelor of Global Studies - A2001
- Bachelor of Health Sciences - M2014
- Bachelor of Information Technology - C2000
- Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Arts - C2002
- Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science - C2003
- Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours) - F3001
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - L3001
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts - L3003
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical Science - L3004
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce - L3005
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - L3002
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Global Studies - L3009
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Music - L3006
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Science - L3007
- Bachelor of Media Communication - A2002
- Bachelor of Medical Bioscience - S2008
- Bachelor of Music - A2003
- Bachelor of Nursing - M2006
- Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) - M3007
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science - M2001
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) - M3001
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science - P2001
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours) - P3002
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) - P3001
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy - P6001
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) - M3002
- Bachelor of Psychological Science - M2004
- Bachelor of Psychological Science and Business - M2015
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) - M3005
- Bachelor of Public Health - M2012
- Bachelor of Radiation Sciences - M2013
- Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) - M3006
- Bachelor of Science - S2000
- Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) - S3001
- Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) - S3002
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts - S2006
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Biomedical Science - S2007
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Computer Science - S2004
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Global Studies - S2003
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Music - S2005
- Diploma of Higher Education - D0501
- Diploma of Tertiary Studies - D0502
- Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management - M4006
- Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice (Internship) - P4001
- Graduate Certificate of Advanced Clinical Nursing - M4017
- Graduate Certificate of Clinical Simulation - M4008
- Graduate Certificate of Education Studies - D4001
- Graduate Certificate of Educational Research - D4004
- Graduate Certificate of Health Professions Education - M4009
- Graduate Certificate of Principal Preparation (Victoria) - D4007
- Graduate Certificate of STEM Education - D4005
- Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management - M5007
- Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management - B5002
- Graduate Diploma in Law - L5001
- Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences - M5010
- Graduate Diploma of Occupational and Environmental Health - M5018
- Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology - D5002
- Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced - M5003
- Juris Doctor - L6005
- Master of Accounting - B6002
- Master of Actuarial Studies - B6014
- Master of Addictive Behaviours - M6014
- Master of Advanced Engineering - E6001
- Master of Applied Economics and Econometrics - B6001
- Master of Applied Finance - B6003
- Master of Applied Linguistics - A6001
- Master of Architecture - F6001
- Master of Banking and Finance - B6004
- Master of Bioethics - A6002
- Master of Biomedical and Health Science - M6003
- Master of Bioproduct Manufacturing Engineering - E6007
- Master of Biostatistics - M6025
- Master of Biotechnology - M6030
- Master of Business - B6005
- Master of Business Administration - B6016
- Master of Business Law - B6013
- Master of Clinical Medicine - M6023
- Master of Clinical Pharmacy - P6002
- Master of Clinical Research - M6028
- Master of Commercial Law - L6001
- Master of Communications and Media Studies - A6003
- Master of Counselling - D6003
- Master of Cultural and Creative Industries - A6004
- Master of Design - F6002
- Master of Dietetics - M6002
- Master of Dispute Resolution - L6011
- Master of Education - D6002
- Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology - D6007
- Master of Environment and Sustainability - S6002
- Master of Financial Mathematics - S6001
- Master of Forensic Medicine - M6009
- Master of Government Law and Regulatory Practice - L6006
- Master of Health Services Management - M6008
- Master of Human Resource Management - B6006
- Master of Human Rights Law - L6002
- Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management - 3262
- Master of Intellectual Property and Communications Law - L6003
- Master of International Business - B6007
- Master of International Development Practice - A6006
- Master of International Relations - A6010
- Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management - A6012
- Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies - A6007
- Master of Journalism - A6008
- Master of Law and International Development - L6012
- Master of Laws - L6004
- Master of Leadership - D6004
- Master of Management - B6009
- Master of Marketing - B6010
- Master of Medical Ultrasound - M6005
- Master of Medicine - M6027
- Master of Mental Health Science - M6022
- Master of Nursing Practice - M6016
- Master of Occupational Therapy Practice - M6017
- Master of Occupational and Environmental Health - M6026
- Master of Professional Accounting - B6011
- Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Business Law - B6015
- Master of Professional Counselling - D6006
- Master of Professional Psychology - D6008
- Master of Radiation Therapy - M6004
- Master of Social Work - M6012
- Master of Specialist Paramedic Practice - M6015
- Master of TESOL - D6005
- Master of Teaching - D6001
- Master of Tourism - A6009
- Master of Urban Planning and Design - F6004
- Master of Workplace and Employment Law - L6007
- Master of Wound Care - P6003
- Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Science - M5004
- Postgraduate Diploma in Science - S5003