The Diploma of Liberal Arts will provide you with the opportunity to pursue in-depth study in one of the humanities or social sciences while completing a bachelor's single or double degree in other fields.
Studying humanities develops general knowledge and specific intellectual skills relating to human thought and relations, such as the way we communicate or how the past has affected the present. Social science analyses and explains societies and the relationships of individuals within those societies. The diploma is offered in many of the Bachelor of Arts majors as indicated below.
This diploma is usually completed by students studying in faculties other than arts, however, arts students may apply to add this course after successfully completing one year.
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 5 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 5 and Monash Graduate Attributes (
Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:
- demonstrate the intellectual capabilities inherent in the interpretation of sources of knowledge pertaining to the academic discipline
- develop an understanding of the world view of the field of study
- demonstrate the capacity for analysis, critique and creative thinking in the discipline
- develop an understanding of the present interpretations and potential future developments in the issues underlying the content of and approaches to the field of study
- demonstrate the skills of written and oral presentation, critical thinking and communication appropriate to the academic discipline.
The Diploma of Liberal Arts is an additional course of study available concurrently to students completing a single or double bachelor's degree. The course requires you to study the equivalent of one further year of full-time study, taken part-time over three years.
This course comprises 48 points with at least 18 points taken at level three.
You must complete the requirements for one of the Bachelor of Arts listed majors below: