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All areas of study information should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. The units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Arts component of any bachelors double degrees.
DescriptionPsychology is concerned with a wide range of phenomena including remembering and forgetting, thinking, problem-solving, learning, the acquisition of skills, language, seeing and hearing, decision-making, verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and emotions. It is also concerned with the practical and ethical applications of psychology research to the profession. While the major focus is on people, animals are also studied because they are of interest in their own right. Monash undergraduate psychology embraces all of these topics at each of the campuses. Students may complete single units, a major or minor in psychology towards the core arts component of their Bachelor of Arts degree or associated double degrees. For their major, students choose to study either the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited major (10 units) which also leads to honours or postgraduate studies in psychology, or a standard humanities major of eight units. UnitsFirst-year levelStudents studying a sequence in psychology must complete the following two units (12 points): Second/ Third-year levelStandard humanities psychology minor/majorStudents studying a minor or major in psychology must have completed the first-year sequence. In addition:
Compulsory units
Elective units
APAC-accredited psychology majorStudents completing the APAC-accredited major in psychology must have completed the first-year sequence and complete a further eight of the following units (48 points), including all compulsory units. A minimum of three units must be taken at third year level. Compulsory units
Elective units
Note: Electives offered may vary from year to year depending on staff availability. Some third-year electives may be undertaken at second-year providing pre- and co-requisites are met. Students should check unit pre- and co-requisites when planning their enrolment. Relevant CoursesAssociate Degrees
BachelorsSingle degrees
Double degrees