Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of Business (Management) - BBus(Acc)/ BBus(Mgt)

General information

Course code: 1334 · Course coordinator: Ms Loretta Inglis
The Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of Business (Management) double-degree course is a combination of two degree programs and is structured so that successful completion leads to the award of the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and the Bachelor of Business (Management).

Credit for work done elsewhere

In addition to part one, section four of the degree regulations, the following credit transfers have been standardised for the Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of Business (Management):

Mode of offering

Day and evening classes are offered at the Caulfield campus. Intake to this course at the Peninsula campus ceased in 1998.

Professional accreditation

The degree satisfies the academic requirements for membership of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

Course structure

Year one
First semester
Second semester
Year two
First semester
Second semester
Year three
First semester
Second semester
Year four
First semester
Second semester