Bachelor of Business (Business Administration) - BBus(BusAdmin)

General information

Course code: 0479 · Course coordinator: Ms Loretta Inglis
This course is designed for overseas students, recent school leavers and mature-age students wishing to undertake major studies in both general management and a functional discipline relevant to careers in business administration. Two major study streams are available:

The HRM study stream is suitable for students who have strong interpersonal communication skills and enjoy the prospect of a career which involves people management skills in jobs associated with personnel administration. The management study stream provides a broad set of basic skills necessary for effective people management in a wide range of jobs.
Accordingly, the course provides a flexible program of rigour at the conclusion of which graduates will have:

This course is suitable for students intending to move into administrative positions in private sector service organisations and semi-government and non-profit corporations. It provides a broad business education, allowing interspecialisation through career-specific study at honours or postgraduate level.

Credit for work done elsewhere

In addition to part one, section four of the degree regulations, the following credit transfers have been standardised for the Bachelor of Business (Business Administration):

Mode of offering

Day and evening classes are offered at the Caulfield campus. Day-only classes are offered at the Peninsula campus.
Full-time and part-time studies are available at the Caulfield campus, where specialist studies include accounting, arts, banking and finance, manufacturing management, marketing, international trade and computing. Evening classes are available at Caulfield campus for Caulfield-enrolled students only.

Electives and subject sequence groupings

In common with other Bachelor of Business degree courses at Caulfield and Peninsula, there are currently 13 compulsory subjects which provide a common core of knowledge and basic business skills. These cover accounting, banking and finance, business statistics, commercial law, economics, management and marketing.
Elective subjects may be used to provide further in-depth study, or to gain functional skills in another study area to widen career options. Students wishing to apply for membership of the Australian Human Resources Institute must take all their elective studies in HRM subjects.

The general management stream

This specialisation comprises five subjects from business communications, quality management, human resource management, employee relations, organisational change, international business, information management or HRM information systems. Students may choose their six elective subjects from another discipline.

The human resource management stream

Students in this stream are required to undertake the general management stream subjects. In addition, they must choose at least four of the six elective subjects from managerial communication, international management, HRM strategy and planning, performance management systems, cross-cultural communication and negotiation and current issues in HRM.

Course structure

Year one
First semester
Second semester

At the end of year one, students must choose their major stream of study from the human resource management or management streams.

Year two
First semester
Second semester
Year three
First semester
Second semester

All subjects have attendance requirements equivalent to three hours per week over one semester. Subject progression may be varied slightly to meet the student's individual study needs and teaching resources available.
Electives are chosen in liaison with the course coordinator to represent a major study program and may be taken from anywhere in the university. Relevant discipline areas include accounting, banking and finance, computing, human resource management, manufacturing management, international trade, management and marketing. The foreign business language program is available only at the Peninsula campus. Students may also study a language at the Clayton campus.