Graduate Diploma in Information Systems


No intake after 1998.
Please refer to the course entry for the Master of Information Management and Systems for details pertaining to the Graduate Diploma in Information Management and Systems.
Caulfield campus
Course code: 1154
Course coordinator: Ms Helen Smith


The Graduate Diploma in Information Systems is offered by the School of Information Management and Systems. It provides specialised and directed study in contemporary techniques, methods and technologies in information systems to computing professionals.
Individual courses of study are constructed by selecting four electives from a wide range of available subjects to supplement a core component of compulsory subjects in the four main areas taught by the school - systems analysis, systems design, decision support systems and information systems management. In this way courses can by constructed which specialise in the area of information systems of greatest interest to the student.
The aim of the Graduate Diploma in Information Systems is to present specialised coursework programs in areas of information systems to computing graduates. This will enable graduates to change direction in their career paths and increase their contribution to their place of employment and to the profession.

Fees for Australian residents

The course fee is $8000 or $1000 per subject.

Course structure

The Graduate Diploma in Information Systems comprises forty-eight credit points of study taken over one year full-time or two years part-time. There is no research component. Students should select a minimum of thirty-six points from the graduate subject offerings listed below. Students may select up to twelve points from other graduate subjects offered by the School of Information Management and Systems or other schools within the faculty.