
Decision support systems

Offered subject to approval

P O'Donnell

6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: IMS9001 or equivalent, IMS9003 or equivalent, and IMS9049 or equivalent - Prohibition: SYS4210

Objectives At the completion of the subject students will have knowledge of the scope and application of information systems applied to decision support, the nature of management and decision making in general, modelling techniques commonly used in decision support; have an understanding of the process of decision support system development, the role and use of some modelling techniques, tools and information technologies appropriate for decision support, how information systems can effect the work of management; have the skills to understand managerial problem solving activity; develop a spread-sheet based decision support system; have developed attitudes which will allow them to work closely with managers, communicate and foster create realistic expectations of the role of information systems in management and decision support

Synopsis This unit is intended to provide students with a detailed introduction to the development and use of information systems in supporting management and decision making. Students will learn of the nature of management work and how this impacts the development of systems intended to support management decision making. A number of commonly used decision support modelling techniques will be explored.

Assessment Examination: 50% - Assignments: 50%

Recommended texts

Arnott D R, O'Donnell P A and Shanks G G Effective management support systems Monash U, 1997
Boone M E Leadership and the computer Prima Books, 1991

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