Graduate Diploma in Information Management with specialisations in librarianship, teacher librarianship and recordkeeping


No further intake after 1998.
Please refer to the course entry for the Master of Information Management and Systems for details pertaining to the Graduate Diploma in Information Management and Systems.
Clayton; distance education
Course code: To be advised
Course leaders: Librarianship - Ms June Anderson; Teacher librarianship - Mr Harry Singh; Record keeping - Mr Frank Upward


The Graduate Diploma in Information Management is offered with specialisations in librarianship, teacher librarianship and record-keeping. It comprises eight coursework subjects and may be taken on campus, by distance education or by mixed delivery mode. It may be undertaken in one year of full-time study or in two or three years of part-time study.
Specialisations provide professional qualifications in librarianship, teacher librarianship or recordkeeping. Recognition for the librarianship and teacher librarianship streams is being sought from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), and for the recordkeeping stream from the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) and the Records Management Association of Australia (RMAA).

Course objectives

The objectives of the Graduate Diploma in Information Management are:

Fees for Australian residents

The course fee is $8000 for full-time enrolment, or pro rata per subject for part-time.


The course may be completed in a minimum of one year full-time or eighteen months part-time.