
Executive information systems

Offered subject to approval

P O'Donnell

6 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: IMS9001 or equivalent, IMS9003 or equivalent, and IMS9049 or equivalent - Prohibition: SYS4170

Objectives At the completion of the subject students will have knowledge of the scope and application of executive information systems, the major approaches to the development of executive information systems; have an understanding of the process of executive information systems development, the role and use of some analysis methods, tools and technologies appropriate for the development of executive information systems, the impact of an EIS upon the organisation and its users; have the skills to design simple multi-dimensional databases; develop a simple EIS using an OLAP tool have developed attitudes which will allow them to communicate and foster realistic expectations of the role of executive information systems in management and decision support.

Synopsis This subject provides students with an understanding of the nature of executive information systems (EIS) and the issues, which need to be considered in their development. Topics include the definition of an EIS; initiating an EIS project; eliciting information requirements (critical success factor [CSF] approach, strategic business functions [SBF] approach, the balanced scorecard approach); EIS architecture; data management (including the relationship of EIS to data warehousing), EIS development methodologies, EIS design issues; change management and organisational issues. Case studies and EIS tools will also be used for practical work.

Assessment Exam: 50% - Assignments: 50%

Prescribed texts

Arnott D R, O'Donnell P A and Shanks G G Effective management support systems Monash U, 1998

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