Primary and secondary health and physical education - 2019
- EDF1055 Secondary professional experience 1A
- EDF1056 Secondary professional experience 1B
- EDF1071 Introduction to health and physical education
- EDF1072 Contemporary issues in health and physical education
- EDF1171 Sociocultural foundations of health and physical education
- EDF1172 Biophysical and behavioural foundations of health and physical education
- EDF1205 English education 1
- EDF1206 Mathematics education 1
- EDF1303 Understanding learning and learners
- EDF1304 Understanding teaching for learning
- EDF2006 Education priorities
- EDF2053 Primary professional experience 2A
- EDF2054 Primary professional experience 2B
- EDF2071 Interdisciplinary approaches to health and physical education
- EDF2072 Social and environmental influences on health and physical education
- EDF2171 Motor control and skill acquisition
- EDF2172 Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 1
- EDF2173 Perspectives on health
- EDF2210 Fostering positive child and adolescent behaviour and development
- EDF2214 Science education
- EDF2215 Mathematics education 2
- EDF3054 Primary professional experience 3B
- EDF3057 Secondary professional experience 3C
- EDF3071 Community development and partnerships
- EDF3072 Leadership, policy and pedagogies in health and physical education
- EDF3073 Health, sustainability and wellbeing
- EDF3171 Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 2
- EDF3172 Inclusion and diversity in movement contexts
- EDF3211 Inclusive education: Teaching diverse learners
- EDF3217 Digital technologies: Teaching, learning and the curriculum
- EDF3218 Curriculum, assessment and evaluation
- EDF3219 English education 2
- EDF4006 Transition and professional engagement
- EDF4053 Primary professional experience 4A
- EDF4056 Secondary professional experience 4B
- EDF4100 Researching teaching and learning
- EDF4101 Research project in education
- EDF4251 Creative arts education
- EDF4253 Humanities and social sciences education in the primary and secondary years
- EDF4254 Developing literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
- EDF4260 Curriculum, assessment and evaluation
- EDF4266 English education 3
- EDF4267 Mathematics education 3
- EDF4803 Senior secondary physical education
- EDF4804 Senior secondary health education