- EDF4530 Lifespan development and counsellor identity
- EDF4531 Counselling settings and populations
- EDF4532 Introduction to mental health issues
- EDF4533 Counselling children and adolescents
- EDF4536 Counselling practice and theory
- EDF4537 Human growth and lifespan development
- EDF4538 Mental health issues assessment: Grief, trauma and substance abuse
- EDF4539 Counselling in a multicultural context
- EDF5530 Counselling skills for individuals, couples and groups
- EDF5531 Cognitive behaviour therapies
- EDF5532 Ethics for counsellors
- EDF5533 Informing practice through research
- EDF5534 Supervised professional counselling practice
- EDF5540 Children and adolescents counselling
- EDF5541 Personnel and career development counselling
- EDF5542 Counselling skills: Individuals and couples
- EDF5543 Ethics and professional issues in counselling and psychology
- EDF5544 Group counselling skills and psychotherapy
- EDF5545 Cognitive behaviour therapy
- EDF5546 Advanced personnel and career development counselling
- EDF5547 Counselling research design, statistics and program evaluation
- EDF5550 Advanced research project in counselling
- EDF5551 Psychological assessment and measurement
- EDF5552 Counselling practicum
- EDF5553 Research project in counselling
- EDF5554 Counselling internship