B6016 - Master of Business Administration - 2017

Postgraduate - Course

Commencement year

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2017 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Business and Economics.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Course code


Credit points


Abbreviated title




Managing faculty

Business and Economics

Admission and fees


Course progression map

B6016 (pdf)

Course type

Master by coursework

Standard duration

2 years FT

Students have a maximum of 6 years to complete this course including any periods of intermission and suspension, and must be continuously enrolled throughout.

Mode and location

On-campus (Caulfield)


Master of Business Administration

Alternative exits

Graduate Certificate in Business

Graduate Diploma in Business

Refer to 'Alternative exits' entry below for further requirements and details.


The MBA course is designed for emerging career professionals with the capability and ambition to be future leaders. It provides a basic framework of analytical, strategic, and problem-solving skills, and develops the critical personal and professional competencies of participants. The MBA course aims to develop graduates who are global in orientation and socially-responsible practitioners. It focuses on contemporary business and organisational challenges and provides an integrated approach to discipline-based academic content. In emphasising the development of practice-oriented competencies, the course utilises applied projects in each module, and engages with industry experts and practitioners at all stages. Students will undertake an international business project overseas and also have the opportunity to study abroad. Students graduate with a portfolio of completed consulting projects to demonstrate their applied skills. The MBA takes an inclusive, progressive and executive education approach to teaching and learning and uses appropriate learning technologies and platforms to that end.


These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 9 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 9 and Monash Graduate Attributes (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/alignmentofoutcomes.html).

Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that graduates will:

  1. be critical and creative scholars who:
    • produce innovative solutions to problems
    • apply research skills to business challenges
    • communicate effectively and perceptively
  2. be responsible and effective global citizens who:
    • engage in an internationalised world
    • exhibit cross-cultural competence
    • demonstrate ethical values
  3. be able to critically analyse a broad range of business and management situations and synthesise complex information to create and develop innovative, adaptive and agile organisations
  4. be able to integrate and apply new knowledge to complex challenges and create opportunities for entrepreneurial enterprise through the development of strategic capability
  5. be able to demonstrate leadership by developing a team climate conducive to interdisciplinary creativity, problem-solving and decision-making
  6. be able to demonstrate knowledge of corporate social responsibility, sustainable value creation and responsible risk management
  7. acquire reflective skills conducive to the development of lifelong learning.


The two-year course is structured in four modules, each equating to a semester. Students are required to complete all four parts.

Module 1: Foundation module (24 points)

In the first module of the MBA program, you commence with 'Leadership: Critical Thinking', the first of the four integrated units on leadership that provide a critical foundation for your personal and professional development through the entire program. In 'MBA 1', three integrated topics explore business models and strategy, markets and customers, and financial and managerial accounting. These topics explore contemporary issues in business and organisations, and address complex, global issues. While each has a distinctive disciplinary dimension, they are taught in an integrated pedagogy. All of these units are then integrated into 'MBA Labs: Strategy project', which involves a supervised consulting assignment for a host organisation.

Module 2. Innovation module (24 points)

In the second module of the MBA program, you continue the leadership series by focusing on people and performance, and the leadership competencies involved in impacting organisational performance. In 'MBA 2', three topics explore operations and project management, economics and society, and business finance. The unit on 'Technology, innovation and entrepreneurship' provides an understanding of the primary technologies impacting industry sectors globally, and focuses on the innovation and entrepreneurship process; it includes a minor applied project in this area. While all of the units in the module inform the project work to follow, this unit has the primary role in establishing the foundation knowledge for the major technology and entrepreneurship project in the following semester.

Module 3. Transformation module (24 points)

In the third module of the MBA program, you focus on Influence and negotiations skills in your Leadership unit. 'MBA 3' introduces the topics of business analytics, organisational transformation, and global bBusiness strategy. In each of these topics, you work on critical business issues of general interest and application, but that are also relevant to the major technology and entrepreneurship project in Module 3. This project involves you teaming up with other students to work on a supervised consulting assignment under supervision in high tech sectors, or in start-up incubator on their own venture.

Module 4. Strategy module (24 points)

The final module of the program involves the conclusion of the leadership series, emphasising personal and professional development, particularly as it relates to your career advancement. In 'MBA seminars', you customise your program of study by selecting from a range of advanced seminars in areas of academic or professional interest to you, and will undertake an integrated minor applied project. The 'MBA Labs: International business project' unit involves research and consulting in preparation for the applied project that then takes place overseas. The 'Strategy capstone' integrates and consolidates the materials and learning from the program, and involves a significant experiential and applied dimension including masterclasses and workshops with leading industry executives.


The course comprises 96 points structured into four parts: Module I: Foundation module, Module 2: Innovation module, Module 3: Transformation module and Module 4: Strategy module.

Students complete all four parts. Students admitted at entry level 1 complete 96 points, comprising Modules 1,2,3 and 4.

The course progression mapcourse progression map (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/2017handbooks/maps/map-b6016.pdf) will assist you to plan to meet the course requirements, and guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Units are 6 points unless otherwise indicated.

Module 1. Foundation module (24 points)

Students complete:

  • MBA5111 Leadership 1: Critical thinking
  • MBA5112 MBA 1 (12 points)
  • MBA5113 MBA Labs: Strategy project

    Module 2. Innovation module (24 points)

Students complete:

  • MBA5211 Leadership 2: People and performance
  • MBA5212 MBA 2 (12 points)
  • MBA5213 Technology, innovation and entrepreneurship

    Module 3. Transformation module (24 points)

Students complete:

  • MBA5311 Leadership 3: Influence and negotiations
  • MBA5312 MBA 3 (12 points)
  • MBA5313 MBA Labs: Technology and entrepreneurship project

    Module 4. Strategy module (24 points)

Students complete:

  • MBA5411 Leadership 4: Personal and professional development (0 points)
  • MBA5412 MBA Seminars*
  • MBA5413 MBA Labs: International business project (12 points)*
  • MBA5415 Strategy capstone

* These units can be completed at the Malaysia campus.

Alternative exits

Students may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in this master's course:

  • Graduate Certificate in Business after successful completion of 24 points of study with a minimum of 18 credit points at level 4 or above
  • Graduate Diploma in Business after successful completion of 48 points of study with a minimum of 36 credit points at level 4 or above.