- 2017


Minor / Major

Commencement year

This area of study entry applies to students commencing this course in 2017 and should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook.

Any units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the component of any bachelors double degrees.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Managing faculty

Faculty of Arts

Offered by

South Africa School of Social Science


Dr Rose-Marie Bezuidenhout; rose-marie.bezuidenhout@monash.edu


South Africa

Public relations practice will provide you with both an understanding and the application of relevant competencies and skills to meet the challenges of contributing to organisational effectiveness. It will prepare you for careers in managing the strategic corporate communication and public relations functions of an organisation.

An emphasis is placed on skills development in the utilisation of both traditional and new media, publicity and media relations, stakeholder mapping and profiling, integrated strategic planning and the interfaces between marketing, advertising and corporate communication.

The major provides a sound theoretical platform from which the practice is launched and includes case study analysis, the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of strategic communication plans, campaigns and events, and work integrated learning.


Public relations practice is offered in the Bachelor of Social Science at Monash South Africa as a major or minor.


In addition to achieving the broad outcomes of their course, students successfully completing this major will be able to:

  1. analyse strategic public relations practice in South Africa and emerging markets in Africa and globally
  2. explain the increased responsibility, scrutiny and accountability of organisations in terms of corporate citizenship and social responsibility
  3. develop proactive crisis and issue management plans
  4. develop skills in using both traditional and new media, publicity and media relations, stakeholder mapping and integrated strategic planning
  5. execute public relations campaigns and events.


Minor requirements (24 points)

No more than 12 points at level 1 may be credited towards the minor.

Students complete:

  1. Two level 1 gateway units (12 points):
    • AZA1035 Principles of public relations practice
    • AZA1433 Interpersonal communication
  2. Two additional units (12 points) from those listed under the major. It is highly recommended that students complete a level 2 unit before enrolling in a level 3 unit.

Major requirements (48 points)

No more than 12 points at level 1 may be credited to a major and at least 18 points must be credited to the major at level 3.

Students complete:

  1. Two level 1 gateway units (12 points):
    • AZA1035 Principles of public relations practice
    • AZA1433 Interpersonal communication
  2. Two level 2 units (12 points) chosen from:
    • AZA2030 Corporate communication
    • AZA2040 Issues, crises and social responsibility management
    • AZA2045 Public relations and the media
  3. Four level 3 units (24 points):
    • AZA3031 Public relations campaigns and events
    • AZA3184 Public relations work integrated learning
    • AZA3453 Research Fundamentals
    • AZA3764 Consulting

Relevant courses

Successful completion of the minor or major can be counted towards meeting the requirements for the following single degree:*

  • 4086 Bachelor of Social Science

Students in other single bachelor's degrees may be eligible to complete the minor or major by using 24 or 48 points of their free electives.

* Students cannot complete both the minor and major in the same area of study.