For detailed information about the sequence of units required for a major/minor/specialisation in this area of study refer to Holocaust and genocide studies
- ATS2057 Genocide
- ATS2521 Conflict and culture in Europe
- ATS2600 The Holocaust
- ATS2640 The ethics of global conflict
- ATS2875 The moral psychology of evil
- ATS3129 Arts internship
- ATS3130 Arts international internship
- ATS3284 Final journey: Remembering the Holocaust
- ATS3314 Seeking justice: South Africa and Rwanda
- ATS3583 History and film: Nazi Germany and the Jewish Holocaust
- ATS3595 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- ATS3623 Nationality, ethnicity and conflict
- ATS3632 Post-conflict: Justice, memory, reconciliation
- ATS3955 Writing destruction: Literature of war
- ATS3956 Trauma and memory in the modern world