For detailed information about the sequence of units required for a major/minor/specialisation in this area of study refer to Biomedical science
- BMS1011 Biomedical chemistry
- BMS1021 Cells, tissues and organisms
- BMS1031 Medical biophysics
- BMS1042 Biomedical sciences and society
- BMS1052 Human neurobiology
- BMS1062 Molecular biology
- BMS2011 Structure of the human body: an evolutionary and functional perspective
- BMS2021 Biochemistry of human function
- BMS2031 Body systems
- BMS2042 Human genetics
- BMS2052 Microbes in health and disease
- BMS2062 Introduction to bioinformatics
- BMS3021 Molecular medicine and biotechnology
- BMS3042 Biomedical basis of disease
- BMS3930 Action in biomedical science major research project
- BMS3990 Action in biomedical science minor research project
- BMS4100 Biomedical science research project
- BMS4200 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS5100 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences
- BMS5101 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
- BMS5200 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences
- BMS5201 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)