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Monash University

Units indexed by Title: R

  • MIN5080 Race, self & social conflict
  • RTS4021 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 1
  • RTS5000 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 2
  • RTS5020 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 3
  • ECE4023 Radio frequency electronics
  • JRM4912 Radio Journalism
  • JRN2202 Radio journalism
  • JRN2905 Radio journalism
  • MRP4013 Radiographic interpretation and clinical decision making 1
  • MRP5011 Radiographic interpretation and clinical decision making 2
  • RAD1061 Radiographic Science and Practice 1
  • RAD1012 Radiographic Science and Practice 2
  • RAD2051 Radiographic Science and Practice 3
  • RAD2012 Radiographic Science and Practice 4
  • RAD4000 Radiography and medical imaging work experience
  • RAD1031 Radiologic biology 1
  • RAD1082 Radiologic biology 2
  • RAD2061 Radiologic Biology 3
  • RAD2092 Radiologic Biology 4 and Sectional Anatomy
  • RAD3031 Radiologic biology 5
  • RAD1021 Radiologic physics
  • MTH3241 Random processes in the sciences and engineering
  • MGX5700 Re-engineering the organisation
  • EDF2302 Re-imagining children's learning
  • CHE3164 Reaction engineering
  • ENH1200 Reading Africa - an introduction
  • HSY4730 Reading and writing Australian history
  • HYM4120 Reading and writing Australian history
  • HYM5120 Reading and writing Australian history
  • HSY4280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
  • HYM4280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
  • HYM5280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
  • CLS2030 Reading Freud and Jung
  • CLS3030 Reading Freud and Jung
  • JWC2270 Reading gender in Judaism
  • JWC3270 Reading gender in Judaism
  • CLA4000 Reading Greek
  • HSY3080 Reading history
  • HYM4085 Reading history
  • JPL2652 Reading Japanese texts level B
  • CLA4010 Reading Latin
  • ENH2175 Reading otherwise: Literature, gender, psychoanalysis
  • ENH3175 Reading otherwise: Literature, gender, psychoanalysis
  • EDF2241 Reading popular culture
  • AST5250 Reading Subject
  • ECX4000 Reading subject
  • ECX5000 Reading subject
  • AAH4740 Reading the ancient past
  • AAM4740 Reading the ancient past
  • AAM5740 Reading the ancient past
  • CLS2100 Reading the canon: critical approaches
  • CLS3100 Reading the canon: critical approaches
  • FIT4008 Reading unit
  • FIT5108 Reading unit
  • ENH1010 Reading writing literature
  • EDF6005 Reading, interpreting and communicating research
  • COM4060(H) Readings in social, political and cultural theory
  • MTH2140 Real analysis
  • MTH3140 Real analysis
  • ECE4075 Real time embedded systems
  • ECE5075 Real time embedded systems
  • TRC4900 Real time embedded systems
  • FRN2708 Realism and representation: Literature and visual culture
  • FRN3708 Realism and representation: Literature and visual culture
  • FRN2705 Rebelling against conventionality: expressions of French individualism
  • FRN3705 Rebelling against conventionality: expressions of French individualism
  • PHL3570 Recent logic
  • BTH2732 Recombinant DNA technology
  • VCW1114 Reconstructive surgery
  • HSY4660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
  • HYM4660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
  • HYM5660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
  • DPSY6263 Recovery of function and rehabilitation after brain injury
  • MGW2322 Recruitment and selection
  • MOP5052 Recruitment, selection and appraisal
  • PLT2090 Reflections on humanity: Truth, freedom and power
  • PLT3090 Reflections on humanity: Truth, freedom and power
  • MPH2072 Reform and development of health services
  • RLT2160 Reforming theologies: Reforming societies
  • RLT3160 Reforming theologies: Reforming societies
  • FTM5320 Reframing authors and genres
  • MEC4417 Refrigeration and air conditioning
  • ECW3146 Regional development and policy
  • MPH2000 Regression methods for epidemiology
  • LAW7335 Regulating the professions
  • MCE1213 Regulation and ethics in assisted reproductive technologies
  • LAW7325 Regulation of Australian water resources
  • LAW7313 Regulatory fundamentals: concepts, constructs and context
  • LAW7315 Regulatory methods
  • MKX5660 Relationship marketing
  • ASP3051 Relativity and cosmology
  • MRE5104 Reliability applications
  • HSY2045 Relics and legends: Deciphering popular Christianity
  • HSY3045 Relics and legends: Deciphering popular Christianity
  • RLM4100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
  • RLM5100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
  • RLT4100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
  • EUM4020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
  • EUM5020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
  • EUR4020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
  • LAW7469 Remedies in commercial disputes
  • LAW4522 Remedies
  • GES3070 Remote sensing of the environment
  • GYM4070 Remote sensing of the environment
  • HSY1020 Renaissance Europe
  • HSY2630 Renaissance Florence
  • HSY3630 Renaissance Florence
  • ITA2240 Renaissance Italy
  • ITA3240 Renaissance Italy
  • ENH2110 Renaissance literature: power and desire
  • ENH3110 Renaissance literature: power and desire
  • HYM5045A Renaissance research project Part 1
  • HYM5045B Renaissance research project Part 2
  • HYM5035 Renaissance research project
  • EIL4402 Renationalising English: Language, culture, and communication
  • JRN3305 Reporting sport and culture
  • JRM4914 Reporting the Environment
  • JRM5914 Reporting the Environment
  • JRM4902 Reporting with Sound and Image
  • FRN2706 Representing Paris: Literature and Visual Culture
  • FRN3706 Representing Paris: Literature and visual culture
  • GRS1004 Reproductive health
  • PHL2110 Res Cogitans: Descartes on mind and knowledge
  • BEH3022 Research and Contemporary Challenges in Community Based Emergency Health
  • JRM4901 Research and Reporting
  • EDF6517 Research and therapeutic interventions in counselling psychology
  • LAW1104 Research and writing
  • GSB9100 Research commercialisation planning
  • WSM4005 Research component (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 words)
  • WSM4005A Research component - Part 1 (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 words)
  • WSM4005B Research component - Part 2 (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 words)
  • PSY2051 Research design and analysis
  • MHS5000 Research design and proposal
  • ALM4150 Research design in applied linguistics
  • ALM5150 Research design in applied linguistics
  • AST4700A Research Dissertation - Part 1
  • AST5700A Research Dissertation - Part 1
  • PLM5000A Research dissertation - Part 1
  • AST4700B Research Dissertation - Part 2
  • AST5700B Research Dissertation - Part 2
  • PLM5000B Research dissertation - Part 2
  • AUS5035A Research Dissertation in Australian Studies - Pt 1
  • AUS5035B Research Dissertation in Australian Studies - Pt 2
  • DTS4500(A) Research Dissertation Part 1
  • DTS4500(B) Research Dissertation Part 2
  • AFF5180 Research dissertation
  • AFX4018 Research dissertation
  • COM5210 Research dissertation
  • COM5210(A) Research Dissertation
  • COM5210(B) Research Dissertation
  • COM5220 Research dissertation
  • DTS4500 Research Dissertation
  • PLM5000 Research dissertation
  • CHI5930 Research essay in Chinese studies
  • FTM4120 Research essay in film and television studies
  • FTM5120 Research essay in film And television studies
  • VAM4000 Research essay in visual culture
  • VAM5000 Research essay in visual culture
  • MHS5001 Research ethics and conduct
  • EPM5025 Research ethics practicum
  • AAM5010 Research in archaeology: the new kingdom
  • PSC6212 Research in drug delivery and lead optimization
  • EUM5200A Research in European and international studies A
  • EUM5200B Research in European and international studies B
  • EUM5200 Research in European and international studies
  • RAD4070 Research in Medical Imaging
  • PSC6112 Research in medicinal chemistry and drug action
  • PSC6312 Research in medicine use and safety
  • NUR2401 Research in nursing practice
  • IDA4230 Research in political ecology
  • IDA5230 Research in political ecology
  • SPN4580 Research in Spanish linguistics
  • COM4010(H) Research issues and methodology
  • EDF3613 Research issues in sport and outdoor recreation
  • ECF5010 Research issues paper
  • BEW4000 Research methodology 1
  • BEW4010 Research methodology 2
  • JAL4610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
  • JAL5610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
  • JPL4610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
  • TRN4000 Research methodology in translation studies
  • CRI4050 Research methodology: criminology, victimology and criminal justice
  • GHS9841 Research methods and issues
  • PSY3062 Research methods and theory
  • SCW4305 Research methods for social and community welfare
  • HSY4270 Research methods in biography and life writing
  • HYM4270 Research methods in biography and life writing
  • HYM5270 Research methods in biography and life writing
  • BIO3011 Research methods in biology
  • AAH4100 Research methods in classical antiquity
  • AAM4100 Research methods in classical antiquity
  • MDS5031 Research methods in design
  • TAD4521 Research methods in design
  • TAD4541 Research methods in design
  • GES2000 Research methods in Geography and Environmental Science
  • GES3000 Research methods in Geography and environmental science
  • HSC3031 Research Methods in Health Science
  • CRH1001 Research methods in health
  • MUM4420 Research methods in music
  • DPSY5103 Research methods in professional psychology
  • HSC2142 Research methods in the health sciences
  • ADD5091 Research methods
  • ADM5001 Research methods
  • AFX4000 Research methods
  • HSM4305 Research methods
  • HSM5305 Research methods
  • MPH2013 Research methods
  • MUS4420 Research methods
  • SCD5305 Research methods
  • EDF6402 Research on science and mathematics curriculum
  • EDF6401 Research on teaching and learning science and mathematics
  • EUM4230 Research paper in European and international studies
  • EUM5230 Research paper in European and international studies
  • GYM4900 Research paper in Geography and environmental science
  • RLM4000 Research paper in religion and theology
  • RLM5000 Research paper in religion and theology
  • ETC4860 Research paper
  • EDF3618 Research planning in sport and outdoor recreation
  • MEC5410 Research practices
  • HSM4306 Research practicum
  • HSM5301 Research Practicum
  • HSM5302 Research Practicum
  • SCD5301 Research practicum
  • SCD5302 Research practicum
  • SYM4085 Research practicum
  • SYM5085 Research practicum
  • PLM4060 Research project (Politics)
  • PLM5620 Research project (Politics)
  • DBA6005 Research project 1
  • DBA6006 Research project 2
  • AST4680 Research Project A
  • AST5680 Research Project A
  • BEW4100 Research project and report
  • AST4690 Research Project B
  • AST5690 Research Project B
  • AAM4001 Research project in archaeology and ancient history
  • MAI4000 Research project in Asian development and governance
  • AST4110 Research Project in Asian Studies
  • AST5110 Research Project in Asian Studies
  • AAS5001 Research project in Australian indigenous studies A
  • AAS5002 Research project in Australian indigenous studies B
  • AAS5000 Research project in Australian indigenous studies
  • AUS5003 Research Project in Australian Studies
  • HYM5480A Research project in biography and life writing - Part 1
  • HYM5480B Research project in biography and life writing - Part 2
  • BMS5101 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
  • BMS5100 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences
  • BTF3900 Research project in business law and taxation
  • EIL5001 Research project in English as an international language
  • FTM5100 Research project in film And television studies
  • GES3270 Research project in geography and environmental science
  • GNM4365A Research project in German studies (2) - Part 1
  • GNM4365B Research project in German studies (2) - Part 2
  • GNM4365 Research project in German studies (2)
  • GNM4355 Research project in German studies
  • CCS5301 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
  • PHC5101 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
  • SCS5301 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
  • CCS5300 Research Project in Health Sciences
  • PHC5100 Research Project in Health Sciences
  • SCS5300 Research Project in Health Sciences
  • HYM4105A Research project in history Part 1
  • HYM5105A Research project in history Part 1
  • HYM4105B Research project in history part 2
  • HYM5105B Research project in history Part 2
  • HYM4001 Research project in history
  • HYM4105 Research project in history
  • HYM5070 Research project in history
  • HYM5105 Research project in history
  • HYM5410A Research project in holocaust and genocide studies - Part 1
  • HYM5410B Research project in holocaust and genocide studies - Part 2
  • CCS5101 Research Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
  • SCS5101 Research Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
  • CCS5100 Research Project in Medical Science
  • SCS5100 Research Project in Medical Science
  • MIN5020 Research project in mind and society
  • MIN5020(A) Research project in mind and society
  • MIN5020(B) Research project in mind and society
  • MUM5060 Research project in musicology Or ethnomusicology
  • NUR5101 Research Project in Nursing (Part-time)
  • NUR5100 Research Project in Nursing
  • PSY5101 Research Project in Psychology (Part-time)
  • PSY5100 Research Project in Psychology
  • RUR5101 Research Project in Rural Health (Part-time)
  • RUR5100 Research Project in Rural Health
  • BEW3200 Research project in sports event management
  • TRN5080 Research project in translation/Interpreting studies
  • CRT4080(A) Research Project Part 1
  • ENV405C(A) Research project part 1
  • EUR4000(A) Research project part 1
  • SHM4000A Research project part 1
  • SHM5000A Research project part 1
  • CRT4080(B) Research Project Part 2
  • ENV405C(B) Research project part 2
  • EUR4000(B) Research project part 2
  • SHM4000B Research project part 2
  • SHM5000B Research project part 2
  • PSY4510 Research project proposal
  • BEW3300 Research project, innovation and enterprise
  • MAI4001 Research project: Asian development and governance II (Advanced)
  • AFX4012 Research project
  • ALM4190 Research project
  • ALM5410 Research Project
  • ASM4000 Research Project
  • AUS5000 Research Project
  • BTF4310 Research project
  • BTX5800 Research project
  • CHI5920 Research project
  • DTH5007 Research project
  • EDF4604 Research Project
  • ETF5550 Research project
  • EUR4000 Research project
  • GYM5480 Research project
  • INM5920 Research project
  • PSY4511 Research project
  • PSY4518 Research Project
  • VPS3082 Research project
  • MHP5192 Research proposal and ethics
  • AFX4010 Research proposal
  • COM3300 Research readings
  • MGX5901 Research report (introduction)
  • BTX4900 Research report
  • DBA6009 Research report
  • MGX5900 Research report
  • TAD4504 Research seminar in Art and Design
  • TAD4522 Research seminar in design
  • TAD4542 Research seminar in design
  • CLA4020 Research seminar: Ritual and drama, the politics of antiquity
  • MEC5415 Research Seminar
  • BND5011 Research skills for Dieticians
  • BEX5020 Research thesis proposal
  • MGX4400 Research thesis
  • FIT5109 Research topic
  • ECC6660 Research topics in advanced macroeconomics
  • ECC6650 Research topics in advanced microeconomics
  • AAM5020 Research topics in archaeology: Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
  • ETC5400 Research topics in econometrics
  • ECC6690 Research topics in open economy
  • LAW4173 Research unit A
  • LAW4174 Research unit B 406
  • EPM5021 Research with vulnerable populations
  • HPL4510 Research writing in history and politics
  • EPM5024 Research, bioethics and law
  • LIN4040 Researching and documenting languages
  • COM4001 Researching and writing Australia
  • COM5001 Researching and writing Australia
  • HPL2506 Researching and writing community history
  • HPL3506 Researching and writing community history
  • BHS4030 Researching behaviour: Advanced practice and reporting
  • BHS2110 Researching behaviour: Principles and practice
  • BHS3110 Researching behaviour: Principles and practice
  • CRI4020 Researching criminal justice
  • EDF3008 Researching educational practices
  • COM4211 Researching global audiences
  • COM5211 Researching global audiences
  • GES3420 Researching human environments
  • GES4420 Researching human environments
  • GYM4420 Researching human environments
  • GES3350 Resource evaluation and management
  • GYM4350 Resource evaluation and management
  • EDF6828 Resource management
  • MDM4070 Responding to International Disasters and Humanitarian Crises
  • LAW5121 Restitution 506
  • LAW5122 Restrictive trade practices 506
  • IAR2501 Retail design 1
  • MKX1500 Retail management principles
  • MKF9810 Retailing
  • GND2070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
  • GND3070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
  • JWM4050 Rethinking Jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
  • JWM5050 Rethinking Jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
  • HSM4309 Rethinking received ideas in social welfare
  • DTH4004 Rethinking theatre history
  • DTH5004 Rethinking theatre history
  • DTS4004 Rethinking theatre history
  • GSB9603 Retirement funds administration
  • GSB9604 Retirement funds benefits
  • GSB9605 Retirement funds governance
  • GSB9606 Retirement funds investments
  • GSB5601 Retirement funds management
  • BTX9760 Risk control and the law
  • MRE5007 Risk engineering
  • AFF9770 Risk financing and treasury management
  • AFX3021 Risk financing
  • AFX3141 Risk identification and mitigation
  • AFX3031 Risk transfer
  • CVL4010 Rites of passage: Culture and celebrating life cycle events
  • CIV3283 Road engineering
  • ENG4204 Road engineering
  • CIV5306 Road safety engineering
  • CIV5302 Road traffic: engineering and management
  • MEC4456 Robotics
  • TRC4800 Robotics
  • ENH3190 Romance and ribaldry: an introduction to Middle English
  • ENH2315 Romantic literature I
  • ENH3315 Romantic Literature I
  • MTE5515 Rubber technology
  • NUR4010 Rural health emergencies
  • SRH3001 Rural health issues 1: Health in the rural context
  • SRH4102 Rural health issues 2: Rural health policy and practice
  • SRH4103 Rural health issues 3: The dynamics of rural health practice
  • CRH1000 Rural health issues and practice
  • CRH1002 Rural health politics and policies