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Monash University Handbook 2010undergrad med-undergrad Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Undergraduate Handbook 2010 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health SciencesMedicine, Nursing and Health Sciences - Undergraduate studiesFaculty information
Areas of studyCourse information
Course-related policies and rules
Structure and organisation - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health SciencesThe Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences is a diverse and complex research and teaching organisation operating at campuses in Australia and overseas, and encompassing around 3000 staff. The faculty comprises ten schools and is associated with a number of centres and institutes. The Monash Institute of Medical Research (MIMR) and the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) are both integral parts of the Faculty The faculty is also integrated with research institutes including the Baker IDI Medical Research Institute (located at The Alfred), the Prince Henry's Institute for Medical Research (within the Monash Health Research Precinct), the Mental Health Research Institute, and the Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health. We also work closely with major teaching hospitals including Monash Medical Centre, The Alfred and Box Hill Hospital. In total, the faculty operates in 125 practices and 68 hospitals. Chaired by the dean, the faculty board governs academic strategy and operations. The offices of the assistant deans (clinical) and hospital clinical deans coordinate teaching in the hospitals and other clinical settings. Heads of schools - in conjunction with heads of departments and directors of centres and institutes - provide academic leadership within their disciplines and are responsible for the management of staff and resources. In parallel, the faculty manager leads a team of professional staff that perform administrative, support and educational research functions in support of the faculty’s objectives. Undergraduate areas of study - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Enrolment with Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria for MBBS students - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health SciencesAll enrolled medical students are required by the Medical Practice Act to be registered with the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria. The faculty and the board will arrange each year for the registration of medical students. On the presumption that students enrolling into the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) do so with the intention of practising as a doctor, it is important to be alerted to the role of the Medical Practice Act and the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria and, well ahead of time, to the legislation which relates to medical registration in Victoria. The prime purpose of the Medical Practice Act is to protect the public. The act stipulates that the board is to refuse to register as doctors persons who:
After completion of the final year of the course and graduation, you will be required to apply for provisional registration with the Medical Practitioners Board. You will be asked to sign a statutory declaration attesting (1) that you have never been convicted of a serious crime and (2) that you are not presently under treatment for, or suffer from, any condition or illness which may impair your ability to practise and which may put the community at risk. This statement is provided to you to:
Courses offered in 2010 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health SciencesNOTE: The course details provided in the entries below are for those students who began their studies in 2010 - students who commenced their studies prior to this date should consult the Handbook edition for the year in which they started their course. Archived Handbooks are available at CaulfieldDiplomasSingle degreesDouble degrees
Honours degrees
ClaytonDiplomasSingle degrees
Double degrees
Honours degrees
Single degrees
Double degrees
Honours degrees
PeninsulaSingle degrees
Double degrees
Honours degrees
SunwaySingle degrees
Honours degrees
South AfricaSingle degrees
Honours degrees
Single degreesHonours degrees
Courses with no further intakeThe following courses remain unaltered since the last year of intake. Current students should refer to the handbook entry for the year in which they commenced their studies. Archived handbooks are available at
18 September 2017
23 February 2025