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Postgraduate Courses by Faculty: Faculty of Business and Economics

  • 1822 Executive Certificate in Business
  • 3841 Graduate Certificate in Commercialising Research
  • 2680 Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
  • 2681 Graduate Certificate of Pharmacoeconomics
  • 0748 Graduate Diploma in Accounting
  • 3816 Graduate Diploma in Applied Econometrics
  • 0396 Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance
  • 1741 Graduate Diploma of Business (Management)
  • 2642 Graduate Diploma in Diplomacy and Trade
  • 0172 Graduate Diploma in Economic Studies
  • 3807 Graduate Diploma in Health Economics and Policy
  • 2778 Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • 0397 Graduate Diploma in International Business
  • 0319 Graduate Diploma in Management
  • 1506 Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management
  • 0201 Graduate Diploma in Work and Employment Relations
  • 3845 Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Commerce
  • 0171 Postgraduate Diploma in Economics and Commerce
  • 0967 Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics and Evaluation
  • 3822 Master of Applied Econometrics
  • 3818 Master of Applied Finance
  • 3850 Master of Applied Finance and Master of Business (Accounting)
  • 0503 Master of Business (Accounting)
  • 4401 Master of Business (Accounting) and Master of Business Law
  • 0504 Master of Business (Banking and Finance)
  • 3840 Master of Business (Science and Technology)
  • 3196 Master of Business Administration and LLM (Commercial Law)
  • 0028 Master of Business Administration
  • 3183 Master of Business Administration and Master of Business Law
  • 3184 Master of Business Administration and Master of Human Resource Management
  • 3185 Master of Business Administration and Master of Marketing
  • 3191 Master of Business Administration and Master of Risk Management
  • 3197 Master of Business Administration and Master of Commercial Law
  • 3198 Master of Business Administration and Master of Health Services Management
  • 3839 Master of Business Administration/Master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
  • 3849 Master of Business Administration and Master of Professional Accounting
  • 3842 Master of Business Economics
  • 3159 Master of Business Law
  • 3164 Master of Business Management
  • 3844 Master of Business
  • 4402 Master of Business and Master of Professional Accounting
  • 2643 Master of Diplomacy and Trade
  • 2099 Master of Human Resource Management
  • 2098 Master of International Business
  • 0105 Master of Management
  • 2276 Master of Marketing
  • 3802 Master of Marketing
  • 3810 Master of Marketing
  • 3194 Master of Philosophy
  • 0826 Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
  • 0790 Master of Professional Accounting
  • 3843 Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Business Law
  • 1065 Master of Public Policy and Management
  • 3153 Master of Risk Management
  • 0200 Master of Work and Employment Relations
  • 3847 Master of Work and Employment Relations and Master of Business Law
  • 0029 Doctor of Philosophy - Business and Economics (PhD)


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