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Postgraduate Courses by Campus: Clayton

  • 2161 Faculty Certificate in Civil Ceremonies
  • 2529 Faculty Certificate in Corporate Environmental Management
  • 2056 Faculty Certificate in History
  • 4006 Graduate Certificate in Australian Indigenous Studies
  • 3761 Graduate Certificate in Bioethics
  • 2527 Graduate Certificate in Corporate Environmental & Sustainability Management
  • 3938 Graduate Certificate of English as an International Language
  • 3411 Graduate Certificate in Forensic Medicine
  • 2680 Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
  • 3413 Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education
  • 2550 Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
  • 3264 Graduate Certificate in Infrastructure Engineering and Management
  • 3765 Graduate Certificate in International Relations
  • 4024 Graduate Certificate in Judaic Studies
  • 3795 Graduate Certificate in Linguistics in Language Endangerment Studies
  • 3767 Graduate Certificate in Linguistics
  • 3525 Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Studies
  • 2678 Graduate Certificate in Medical Acupuncture
  • 3432 Graduate Certificate in Medical Ultrasound
  • 2346 Graduate Certificate in Mental Health for Teaching Professions
  • 3884 Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Forensic)
  • 2681 Graduate Certificate of Pharmacoeconomics
  • 3857 Graduate Certificate in Radiographic Practice
  • 3515 Graduate Certificate in Science Studies
  • 3763 Graduate Certificate in Tourism
  • 2864 Graduate Certificate in Transport and Traffic
  • 3858 Graduate Diploma in Advanced Radiographic Practice
  • 4007 Graduate Diploma in Australian Indigenous Studies
  • 1158 Graduate Diploma in Bioethics
  • 3074 Graduate Diploma in Biography and Life Writing
  • 2281 Graduate Diploma in Child Psychotherapy Studies
  • 2157 Graduate Diploma in Civil Ceremonies
  • 2528 Graduate Diploma in Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
  • 1737 Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)
  • 3931 Graduate Diploma of English as an International Language
  • 0095 Graduate Diploma of Environment and Sustainability
  • 3925 Graduate Diploma in European and International Studies
  • 1759 Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine
  • 2279 Graduate Diploma in Forensic Medicine
  • 3807 Graduate Diploma in Health Economics and Policy
  • 3947 Graduate Diploma in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • 3754 Graduate Diploma in International Development and Environmental Analysis
  • 4025 Graduate Diploma in Judaic Studies
  • 3058 Graduate Diploma in Languages
  • 3768 Graduate Diploma in Linguistics
  • 0033 Graduate Diploma in Materials Engineering
  • 3402 Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound
  • 1976 Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences - Community Mental Health
  • 3561 Graduate Diploma in Mental Health for Teaching Professions
  • 3071 Graduate Diploma in Music Studies
  • 3068 Graduate Diploma in Music
  • 2088 Graduate Diploma in Psychology
  • 3076 Graduate Diploma in Public History
  • 0151 Graduate Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology
  • 0101 Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences
  • 3516 Graduate Diploma in Science
  • 3205 Postgraduate Certificate of Education
  • 3705 Postgraduate Certificate in Mentoring and Coaching
  • 3701 Postgraduate Certificate in Organisational Leadership
  • 0010 Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics
  • 3937 Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Research)
  • 0171 Postgraduate Diploma in Economics and Commerce
  • 3210 Postgraduate Diploma of Education
  • 0967 Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics and Evaluation
  • 0876 Postgraduate Diploma in History
  • 3263 Postgraduate Diploma in Infrastructure Engineering and Management
  • 1400 Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations
  • 2545 Postgraduate Diploma in Japanese Language
  • 3796 Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics in Language Endangerment Studies
  • 3702 Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership
  • 2863 Postgraduate Diploma in Transport and Traffic
  • 3733 Master in Adult Education (Global)
  • 3285 Master of Aerospace Engineering
  • 3073 Master of Applied Japanese Linguistics
  • 3239 Master in Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers
  • 3769 Master of Applied Linguistics
  • 3773 Master of Arts (Creative Writing)
  • 3063 Master of Arts (Music Composition)
  • 3059 Master of Arts (Music Performance)
  • 3939 Master of Arts (Theatre Performance)
  • 2846 Master of Arts by Research and Coursework
  • 2695 Master of Arts
  • 3084 Master of Asian Studies
  • 3756 Master of Australian Indigenous Studies
  • 0122 Master of Bioethics
  • 2704 Master of Bioethics
  • 3075 Master of Biography and Life Writing
  • 2970 Master of Biomedical Science (Part 1)
  • 2977 Master of Biomedical Science
  • 0175 Master of Business Systems (Research)
  • 0203 Master of Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
  • 2309 Master of Clinical Embryology
  • 3565 Master of Clinical Midwifery
  • 3090 Master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
  • 3236 Master in Counselling
  • 3758 Master of Counter-Terrorism Studies
  • 3209 Master of Education (TESOL International)
  • 0077 Master of Education
  • 2500 Master of Education
  • 3204 Master of Education
  • 0036 Master of Engineering Science (Coursework and Minor Thesis)
  • 3292 Master of Engineering Science (Research)
  • 3930 Master of English as an International Language
  • 3783 Master of Environment and Sustainability
  • 2702 Master of Environmental Science by Research & Coursework
  • 3902 Master of Environmental Science
  • 3924 Master in European and International Studies
  • 2677 Master of Family Medicine (Clinical)
  • 0099 Master of Family Medicine
  • 3945 Master of Film and Television Studies
  • 3412 Master of Forensic Medicine
  • 3860 Master of Health Professional Education
  • 3897 Master of Health Sciences
  • 3092 Master of History
  • 3946 Master of Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • 1895 Master of Information Technology (Research)
  • 3262 Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management
  • 4018 Master of Integrated Water Management
  • 3086 Master of International Development and Environmental Analysis
  • 3093 Master of International Relations
  • 3921 Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies
  • 4026 Master of Judaic Studies
  • 1651 Master of Laws (Research)
  • 3777 Master of Letters
  • 3797 Master of Linguistics in Language Endangerment Studies
  • 3889 Master of Medical Radiations
  • 3433 Master of Medical Ultrasound
  • 3070 Master of Music Studies
  • 3069 Master of Music
  • 3966 Master of Nursing Practice
  • 3703 Master in Organisational Leadership
  • 3194 Master of Philosophy
  • 3379 Master of Philosophy
  • 3438 Master of Philosophy
  • 3521 Master of Philosophy
  • 0045 Master of Psychological Medicine
  • 3231 Master of Psychology (Counselling)
  • 3732 Master of Psychology (Counselling)/Doctor of Philosophy
  • 3232 Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental)
  • 3736 Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental)/Doctor of Philosophy
  • 3077 Master of Public History
  • 3859 Master of Radiographic Practice
  • 0100 Master of Reproductive Sciences
  • 3721 Master in School Leadership
  • 0054 Master of Science Preliminary
  • 2700 Master of Science
  • 2698 Master of Social Work (Research)
  • 3443 Master of Surgery
  • 3271 Master of Traffic
  • 3272 Master of Transport
  • 3380 Doctor of Juridical Science
  • 0020 Doctor of Philosophy - Arts (PhD)
  • 3757 Doctor of Philosophy - Arts (PhD)
  • 0029 Doctor of Philosophy - Business and Economics (PhD)
  • 0079 Doctor of Philosophy - Education (PhD)
  • 3291 Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering (PhD)
  • 0190 Doctor of Philosophy - Information Technology (PhD)
  • 0069 Doctor of Philosophy - Law (PhD)
  • 0047 Doctor of Philosophy - Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (PhD)
  • 0057 Doctor of Philosophy - Science (PhD)
  • 2932 Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Neuropsychology
  • 2116 Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology
  • 2933 Doctor of Psychology in Organisational Psychology
  • 3403 Doctor of Public Health


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