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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Psychology (with Honours)

Course code: 3883 + Course abbreviation: BPsyche(Hons) + Total credit points required: 192 + 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton; Peninsula)

Course description

This four-year undergraduate degree is designed for students who wish to study psychology intensively with a view to pursuing a career as a research or professional psychologist. In the first three years of the course, students study the core areas of the scientific discipline of psychology, as well as being able to pursue their individual interests in a range of areas relating to the application of psychology. Students are also introduced to other disciplines which complement the study of psychology. In the fourth year, students undertake the honours program in psychology.

Course objectives

On completion of this course students will be able to: describe and discuss the major theories and empirical findings in core areas of the discipline of psychology, including basic psychological processes such as perception, cognition, learning, motivation and emotion, language; social and biological bases of behaviour; abnormal psychology; lifespan developmental psychology; individual differences in capacity and behaviour; history and philosophy of psychology, testing and assessment, intercultural and indigenous psychology; investigate and critically evaluate, at an advanced level, a range of issues related to psychological inquiry in the core areas and selected areas of application of the discipline; contribute to discipline knowledge through the research process, including critical review and analysis of scientific literature, identification of research problems, design and conduct of research, application of univariate and multivariate statistical analysis to evaluate and interpret research outcomes, and clear communication of the findings of their psychology inquiry according to the professional requirements of the discipline; describe and discuss the ethical standards and legislative frameworks governing research and practice in the discipline of psychology, and demonstrate an appreciation of the role of ethics in maintaining the integrity and cohesiveness of the profession; recognise the importance of the relationship between knowledge of the scientific discipline of psychology and the application of this knowledge in the practice of psychology, and to demonstrate this understanding at a more advanced level across a number of applications of the discipline; demonstrate the skills required to maintain professional competence by keeping up with recent developments and contemporary issues in the field and appreciate the importance of ongoing professional development and training; acquire a foundation knowledge in a selected range of related discipline areas that complement the theoretical and practical application of psychology.

Special requirements

To be eligible for progression into the fourth year of the course, students must achieveat least the minimum entry requirement that is standard for all honours programs in psychology based on the average grade across all core third-year units.

Students who do not meet the entry requirements for the honours program in the BPsych(Hons) will qualify for the award of Bachelor of Psychological Science, provided they have successfully completed the first three years of the program as outlined below. These students will be eligible to apply for entry to other fourth-year psychology programs at Monash (eg the Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology) or at other universities.

Course structure

Students study 24 six-point units in the first three years of the course:

  • Nine core psychology units which form part of the Australian Psychological Society accredited sequence in psychology.
  • Seven psychology elective units.
  • Eight units from a range of recommended non-psychology elective units.

In the fourth year of the course, students undertake the requirements of the current honours program in psychology (48 points).

Course requirements

First year
First semester
  • PSY1011 Psychology 1A
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
Second semester
  • PSY1022 Psychology 1B
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
Second year
First semester
  • PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
  • PSY2051 Research design and analysis
  • Psychology elective
  • Elective
Second semester
  • PSY2042 Cognitive and social psychology
  • Psychology elective
  • Psychology elective
  • Elective
Third year
First semester
  • PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
  • PSY3051 Perception and personality
  • Psychology elective
  • Psychology elective
Second semester
  • PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
  • PSY3062 Research methods and theory
  • Psychology elective
  • Psychology elective
Fourth year
Full year
  • PSY4100 Psychology honours research project
First semester
  • PSY4210 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
Second semester
  • PSY4220 Ethical and professional issues in psychology
  • PSY4270 Psychological assessment

Students choose one of:

  • PSY4230 Contemporary issues in psychobiology
  • PSY4240 Contemporary issues in cross-cultural and indigenous psychology
  • PSY4250 Contemporary issues in psycholinguistics
  • PSY4260 Contemporary issues in developmental psychology
  • PSY4280 Contemporary issues in theoretical psychology
Elective units
Psychology electives

Some of these units can be taken in the second year of study, depending on the prerequisites or corequisites. Not all units are offered each year.

  • BME1130 The human being in health and illness*
  • BNS1072 Foundations of behavioural neuroscience*
  • PSY2112 Organisational psychology
  • PSY3150 Contemporary social psychology
  • PSY3120 Introduction to counselling
  • PSY3130 Health psychology
  • PSY3160 Psychology of language
  • PSY3170 Decision making in professional settings
  • PSY3180 Human neuropsychology
  • PSY3190 Addiction studies
  • PSY3100 Advanced psychobiology

    * Subject to APS approval to be included as psychology units.

Non-psychology electives

The 48 points of non-psychology electives must be chosen from a list of recommended electives, or students can apply to the course coordinator for approval of an elective unit not on this list. Some electives may only be offered at one location or by off-campus learning.

Level 1 (recommended first-year sequences)
  • BIO1011 Biology I
  • BIO1022 Biology II
  • CJC1001 Understanding crime
  • CJC1002 Criminal justice in action: police, courts and corrections
  • HSC1011 Legal and ethical frameworks
  • HSC1031 Foundations of health
  • HSC1042 Health issues for diverse populations
  • HSC1052 Health and social care systems
  • MGW1100 Managerial communication*
  • MGW1010 Managing people and organisations*
  • MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice*
  • PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy A
  • PHL1020 Introduction to philosophy B
  • SCY1010 Introduction to sociology A
  • SCY1020 Introduction to sociology B

    * Some units offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics may be available to take as electives, however enrolments in these units may depend on students satisfying the Business and Economics requirements (mathematics prerequisites).

Level 2

Continuation of one of the above first-year sequences at second-year level.

Contact details

Telephone: +61 3 9905 3968, email: or visit

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