A broad range of science units and sequences are offered at the Clayton campus for the Bachelor of Science and related courses. Within the requirements of their course, students can construct a program of study to meet their individual needs and interests.
This section of the handbook describes the minor and major sequences that
are offered for science `areas of study', or `disciplines', and the lists the
science units that are offered either towards those sequences or individually
for other purposes. The detailed requirements for sequences are outlined in
each entry, along with recommendations on particular choices of units. It is
important that students plan their course by consulting these requirements and
recommendations at every stage of their enrolment. Students should also consult
individual unit entries in the back of this handbook for details of
prerequisites, prohibitions and scheduling. Note that some sequences require
the completion of additional prerequisite units beyond those that comprise the
The general definitions of a `science unit' and the various types of science
minor and major sequences are provided in the section `Course planning
information for students enrolling in undergraduate science degrees', which is
located earlier in the Faculty of Science section of this handbook.
Science major or minor sequences are offered at the Clayton
campus in the following areas of study:
Units offered for the science sequences are taught by the faculties of Science;
Arts; Information Technology; and Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.