
Control systems 2

Not offered until 2000

4 points · 26 lectures · 26 hours of laboratory and problem classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: ECE2601, MAT2901, MAT2902, ECE2903

Objectives The student is expected to be able to develop mathematical models of physical systems; to understand the relationship between state-space and transfer functions descriptions of physical systems and be able to use both frequency-domain and state-space methods in the analysis and design of control systems for single-input, single-output, linear time-invariant control systems.

Synopsis Modelling of simple dynamic systems (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and thermal). Motivation for control systems: disturbance rejection; sensitivity; tracking; feedback stability. Frequency-response: Nyquist plots; Nyquist stability criterion; gain and phase margins; Bode plots; lead-,lag-, lead-lag, and PID dynamic compensation; estimation of transfer function from frequency-response data. Robustness. State-space: state-space representation of dynamical systems; controller, observer and modal canonical forms; analysis of state equations, state-transition matrix; controllability and observability; state-feedback control-law design; state estimator design; compensator design, feedback of estimated state, separation principle.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Continual assessment: 20% · Assignments: 10%

Recommended texts

Franklin G F, Powell J D and Emami-Naemi A Feedback control of dynamic systems 3rd edn, Addison Wesley, 1994

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