
Linear algebra and differential equations for engineering

J C Lattanzio

4 points · 26 lectures and 26 support/practice classes · First/second semester · Clayton/Caulfield · Prerequisite: ENG1902 · Corequisite: ENG1603 · Prohibitions: MAT2911, MAT2920, MAC2901

Objectives At the completion of this subject, students will understand the key concepts for the solution of linear systems of equations, including eigenvalue problems; be able to use a range of techniques for the solution of ordinary differential equations; be able to determine the Laplace transforms of elementary functions, and identify inverse transforms; understand the use of Fourier series for periodic functions; be able to solve typical partial differential equations.

Synopsis Linear algebra: solution of nxn linear systems, eigenvalue problems. Ordinary differential equations: revision of first-order and second-order constant coefficient DEs, variation of parameters, systems of first-order DEs; Fourier series: periodic functions and trigonometric series, Euler formulae, even and odd functions, half-range expansions. Partial differential equations: separation of variable for the heat, wave and Laplace equations, cylindrical coordinates. Laplace transforms: definition, transforms of elementary functions, properties, solution of ODEs, inversion using tables.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 80% · Tests and assignments: 20%

Prescribed texts

Kreyszig E Advanced engineering mathematics 7th edn, Wiley, 1993

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