
Physics of electronic devices

Dr M Morgan

4 points · 26 lectures · 26 hours of laboratory/simulations/tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Corequisite: ENG1803

Objectives The student is expected to gain knowledge and understanding of the physical processes underlying the behaviour of materials and devices widely used in electrical engineering. The student is expected to be able to determine key electrical, magnetic, and optical properties and characteristics.

Synopsis Principles of quantum physics, quantum physics of atoms and solids. Electrons in metals, energy states, the Fermi level, photoelectricity. Conduction in metals, origins and mechanisms of resistivity. Energy bands in insulators and semiconductors, Fermi-Dirac distribution. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, photoconductivity, diffusion. The pn junction diode, photovoltaic effect, solar cells and their characteristics. Sources of light including black body radiation, spectral sources, lasers and laser diodes. Electrical thermal noise. Superconductivity. Paramagnetism and ferromagnetism.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Laboratory/assignments: 20% · Tests: 10%

Recommended texts

Mills D R and Morgan M J Physics of electronic devices Monash University, 1999


Serway R A Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics 4th edn, Saunders 1996
Serway R A, Moses C J and Moyer C A Modern physics 2nd edn Saunders 1997

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