Graduate Diploma of Education (Special Education) (GradDipEd[SpEd])

General information

Clayton campus
Course code: 0073
Contact: Dr Lawrence Bartak (please telephone 9905 2819 or 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)

Introduction to course

The Bachelor of Special Education course focuses on exceptional children and provides theoretical, experimental and clinical studies in relevant areas of special education. Graduates with the degree of Bachelor of Special Education may apply to undertake further studies leading to a higher degree.


The major objectives of the Bachelor of Special Education course are to provide students with the competencies to:

Admission requirements

The course is aimed at students who have either teaching qualifications or appropriate equivalent professional qualifications plus at least one year's experience and who wish to make a career in specialist and consultant services with exceptional children. Personal interviews or reports may be requested in some cases. No daytime release is necessary as all lectures will be in the late afternoon. However the course is open to applicants with day release and this will facilitate practicum involvement in the Monash Institute of Child and Adolescent Studies (Elwyn Morey Centre or Krongold Centre) or other specialised institutions.

Credit provision

Applicants contemplating admission to this course may seek formal credit or recognition of prior learning. Applicants should apply for credit prior to enrolment but currently enrolled students may also apply. The Faculty of Education considers each application on its merits within the context of the faculty guidelines on credit transfer which are contained in a booklet Learning from experience available from the Professional Development Institute, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Gippsland campus, Churchill 3842 ($7 postage and packing).

Course structure

The course consists of six compulsory subjects. Four compulsory core subjects provide a broadly based interdisciplinary introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of special education. The fifth and sixth subjects comprise a special education practicum which forms a major component of the course and is undertaken in special schools and centres, regular schools, institutions and other relevant settings.
The course consists of the following four compulsory subjects:

Students must complete a further 12 points of credit. This may be completed either as:



Length of course/workload required

This course comprises one years full-time study or equivalent part-time taken on-campus. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is forty-eight.

Further information

Details of all subjects, including reading lists, follow the course information in this handbook.Further information regarding this course may be obtained from Dr Joanne Deppeler (9905 5689), Tom Joyce (9905 4388) or the inquiry office, Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone 9905 2819 or 9905 2784) or visit our web site at