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The discipline

The Gippsland Psychology section is part of the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Science, which offers psychology courses on the Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland and Peninsula* campuses of the university. The courses are accredited by the Australian Psychological Society, and approved for registration purposes by the Psychologist Registration Board. Psychology studies available on the Gipppsland campus include an undergraduate major in psychology which may be included in either a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities) or a Bachelor of Behavioural Sciences, two fourth-year courses (an honours program and the Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology), as well as higher research degrees. Details of the postgraduate courses in psychology are available in the Faculty of Science handbook.

Discipline objectives

The Department of Psychology is developing a new common curriculum across all four* campuses. In its curriculum development the department has endorsed the view of the Australian Psychological Society that training in the discipline occurs within the context of the scientist-practitioner model. A student does not decide to become either a scientist or a practitioner; rather, professional practice is embedded within the scientific perspective. This is the philosophy underlying the decision to create a core curriculum, with students then being in a position to make informed choices about psychology-related careers and further training at the fourth year and postgraduate level.

Students completing their degree in psychology will have:

Undergraduate studies

The Psychology department offers courses for students who intend to specialise in psychology by completing a major sequence in the discipline, with the option of proceeding to a degree with honours, or into postgraduate programs of study. The psychology major offered by the Gippsland section of the Department is available both on-campus and by distance education. The psychology major sequence may also be studied in the Graduate Diploma in Psychology by students who have completed an undergraduate degree majoring in another discipline. See the Science handbook for details

The Department of Psychology's new common curriculum commenced in 1997 when the common first-year psychology program was introduced on all campuses. In 1998 the common second-year will be introduced. Third-year subjects will remain specific to each campus in 1998, and the common third-year program will commence in 1999.

Compulsory attendance requirements

Most psychology subjects include a component requiring on-campus attendance by distance education students. Details will be specified for each subject.

Requirements of the major in psychology

The major is structured into three distinct levels. The requirements of each level must be completed before students are eligible to study at the next level.

Level one

GAS1501 and GAS1502 are considered equivalent to PSY1011 and PSY1022 for entry into level-two subjects.

Level two

GAS2504 plus two of GAS2501, GAS2502, GAS2503 and GAS2505 are considered equivalent to PSY2011 and PSY2022 for entry into level-three subjects.

Level three

Students should note that the third-level subjects listed below will not be available from 1999. They will be replaced by PSY3011 (Psychology 3A) and PSY3022 (Psychology 3B).

In 1998, students must complete at least four subjects at third level. GAS3505 is strongly recommended and a pass in this subject is required for entry into the psychology honours program.

Note that students who have completed GAS3501 (Biological psychology) may count this towards meeting third-level requirements.

Psychology honours

Graduates from Gippsland and elsewhere may apply for entry to the Department of Psychology honours program. This is a common program offered on the Clayton, Caulfield and Gippsland campuses. Students may specify a preferred campus in their application. To be considered for entry into the honours program students must have completed a degree with an accredited major sequence in psychology with a minimum average of 70 per cent in third level subjects.

Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology

This course is designed for individuals wishing to work in the field of counselling psychology and community development. It is offered by the Gippsland section of the Department of Psychology as a two-year part-time degree with a major in psychology. Further details can be obtained from the Science handbook.

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