- BIO1011 Blueprints for life
- BIO1022 Life on Earth
- BIO1042 Life in the environment
- BIO2011 Ecology and biodiversity
- BIO2022 Evolutionary ecology
- BIO2181 Evolution of plant diversity
- BIO3011 Research methods in biology
- BIO3021 Marine biology
- BIO3070 Trends in ecology
- BIO3082 Global change biology
- BIO3091 Biology of Australian vegetation
- BIO3820 Tropical terrestrial biology
- BIO3990 Biology in action research project
- BIO4100 Biology research project
- BIO4200 Advanced coursework in biology
- GEN2041 Foundations of genetics
- GEN3030 Molecular, cellular and developmental genetics
- GEN3040 Genomics and its applications
- GEN3062 Evolutionary and ecological genetics
- GEN3990 Genetics in action research project