PTG2034 - Sound in the space of art - 2019

6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate - Unit

Refer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.


Art, Design and Architecture

Organisational Unit

Department of Fine Art

Chief examiner(s)

Mr Leslie Eastman


Mr Leslie Eastman

Not offered in 2019


OHS1000, DWG1201 or DWG1301 or DWG1103, or permission from Unit Coordinator


This unit investigates the possibilities of sound and listening in relationship to practices of contemporary art. Diverse approaches and ideas will be explored through both critical and practical encounters with the history of sound art, performance, and the sonic imagination. Particular attention will be paid to composing, improvising, listening, scoring, recording and amplifying, with an open ear for the poetics and politics of sound in relation to audiences and spaces. This unit engages with a range of material, conceptual and technical strategies enabling students to think in experimental and new ways about sound in the space of art.


Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Apply a conceptual and technical foundation for successful study in a contemporary visual art studio;
  2. Extend their conceptual and practical skills in the production of artworks utilising sound as a means of creative expression;
  3. Apply these works and creative skills and strategies as a form of expression appropriate to the concepts they are investigating;
  4. Critically reflect on the place of sound art in the field of contemporary art, nationally and internationally;
  5. Understand the theoretical and historical rationale and context of their work;
  6. Produce works that demonstrate a critical and creative attitude to contemporary visual culture;
  7. Understand and apply the rules of occupational health and safety appropriate to the discipline practice.


100% in-semester assessment

Workload requirements

12 hours per week including 4 contact hours plus 8 hours of independent study.

See also Unit timetable information