- 2019



Commencement year

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Managing faculty

Faculty of Business and Economics

Contact details

Graduate Student Office: Telephone: +61 3 9903 1400, Fax: + 61 3 9903 1357, Email: buseco-postgrad@monash.edu



Risk is defined by AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009 as 'the effect of uncertainty on objectives'. The management of risk is an evolving discipline that builds on current knowledge in a diverse range of activities. The risk management specialisation focuses on operational and financial risk in today's commercial world. It provides extended skills in the strategic and process applications of risk management and prepares for the increasingly complex risk management issues faced in many areas of business and government. It prepares graduates for roles that are required to address business, insurance and financial risk. The range of units undertaken will greatly assist those seeking employment in managerial positions where risk management is an expanding field of practice.


Students complete the following four units (24 points):

  • BFF5021 Case studies in risk management
  • BFF5902 Introduction to risk management
  • BFF5915 Options, futures and risk management
  • BFF5954 Business finance

And two of the following units (12 points):

  • BEX5200 Climate change and carbon management strategies
  • BFF5977 Risk financing and treasury management
  • BTF5910 Corporate sustainability regulation
  • ETF5952 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
  • ETF5231 Business forecasting
  • ETF5500 High dimensional data analysis

Units are 6 credit points unless otherwise stated.

Relevant courses

Successful completion of this specialisation can be counted towards meeting the requirements for the following degree:

  • B6005 Master of Business

Students in other degrees are not eligible to complete this specialisation.