Film, television, and screen studies involves historical, textual and critical approaches to film and television, and related new screen technologies. The major covers Asian and European national cinemas, a range of directors and genres, early and contemporary cinema, film stardom and popular television genres.
Emphasis is given to a variety of historical, critical and theoretical methods of analysis appropriate to the study of the moving image, including formal, institutional, reception based and cultural studies approaches, consideration of issues relating to the intersection of ideology and culture, the representation of gender, race and class, and questions concerning the relations between film and television and new technologies.
Film, television, and screen studies is listed in the Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences at Malaysia as major and a minor.
Upon successful completion of the major, students will be able to:
- analyse and evaluate the key concepts, theoretical perspectives and scholarly debates in screen theory
- apply key theoretical approaches of screen studies to contemporary and historical narrative and non-narrative forms of film, television and online screen media, and communicate findings in written, oral and audio-visual form
- critically engage with and reflect upon contemporary and historical practices of cinema and television criticism.
Minor requirements (24 points)
No more than 12 points at level 1 may be credited to the minorminor (
Students complete:
- Two level 1 gateway unitsgateway units ( (12 points):
- AMU1304 Television studies: Forms and approaches
- AMU1305 Film studies: Forms and approaches
- Two units (12 points), with at least one level 2 unit, from those listed under the major.
Major requirements (48 points)
No more than 12 points at level 1 may be credited to the major and at least 18 points must be at level 3. Unit are 6 points unless otherwise stated.
Students complete:
- Two level 1 gateway units (12 points)
- AMU1304 Television studies: Forms and approaches
- AMU1305 Film studies: Forms and approaches
- Two level 2 cornerstone units (12 points):
- Two level 3 capstone units (12 points):
- AMU3127 Stardom: Celebrity, Society and Power
and one of the following units:
- AMU3575 Task force: Responding to global challenges
- AMU3744 Workplace learning internship
- Two units from the remaining capstones or from the following units (12 points), ensuring that at least three level 3 units within the major are completed:
- AMU2146 Digital Screens
- AMU3565Not offered in 2019 Southeast Asian Cinema
Successful completion of the minor can be counted towards meeting the requirements for the following single degree:*
- A2006 Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences
Students in other single bachelor's degrees may be eligible to complete the minor by using 24 points of their free electives.