B2026 - Bachelor of Business and Commerce - 2017

Undergraduate - Course

Commencement year

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2017 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Business and Economics.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Course code


Credit points


Abbreviated title


Managing faculty

Business and Economics

Admission and fees


Course progression map

B2026 (pdf)

Course type


Standard duration

3 years FT, 6 years PT

Students have a maximum of 8 years to complete this course including any periods of intermission and suspension, and must be continuously enrolled throughout.

Mode and location

On-campus (Malaysia)


Bachelor of Business and Commerce


Commerce is the cornerstone of the modern economy. This course offers a world-class education in the economic, political, legal, social, cultural, and technological principles that exist around the world.

The course is designed to provide graduates with high-level skills in a range of key business disciplines. It will provide you with the skills to work in and manage different functions across an organisation. It blends a conceptual theoretical framework with practical applications, providing both a broad basis for business and commerce study and the more specific knowledge of your selected major(s). It provides choice and flexibility by allowing you to major in up to two different areas of business and commerce.

Graduates will be well equipped to seek employment in both private and public-sector enterprises.

Double degrees

The Bachelor of Business and Commerce course can be taken in combination with the following course:

  • Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies

Completing a double degree course will allow you to graduate with two degrees. The requirements for the award of each degree are the same whether the award is earned through a single or double degree course. Students should refer to the course entry for the partner course and the course mapcourse map (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/2017handbooks/maps/) for the double degree for the requirements of the other degree.


These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 7 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 7 and Monash Graduate Attributes (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/alignmentofoutcomes.html).

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will:

  1. be a critical and creative scholar who:
    • produces innovative solutions to problems
    • applies research skills to business challenges
    • communicates effectively and perceptively
  2. be a responsible and effective global citizen who:
    • engages in an internationalised world
    • exhibits cross cultural competence
    • demonstrates ethical values
  3. demonstrate broad knowledge and technical skills in at least one area of business and be able to provide discipline based solutions relevant to the business, professional and public policy communities that you serve
  4. have capacity to integrate and synthesise knowledge from across disciplines to create innovative applications in organisational settings.

Professional recognition

Refer to the faculty's Professional recognitionProfessional recognition (https://business.monash.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/after-you-graduate/professional-recognition) webpage for information about specific units that may be required for professional recognition.


This is a comprehensive course, structured in three equal parts:

Part A. Business and commerce specified study

This will provide you with a broad foundation for your study of business and commerce and expose you to several business disciplines. It will contribute breadth to your knowledge of business and commerce and develop your understanding of multi-disciplinary decision making in organisations. It will also give you the opportunity to learn more about each discipline before finalising your choice of major.

Part B. Business listed major

This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your expertise in one discipline area. You will develop, apply and communicate an advanced level of understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that constitute the knowledge base of your major area of study.

Part C. Free elective study

This will enable you to further develop your knowledge of your chosen major, or business and commerce more broadly, or study a second business major. Alternatively you can select units from across the University in which you are eligible to enrol. For students in double degree courses, these elective units are used in fulfilling part of the requirements of the other course.


Students must complete units as specified in Parts A, B and C (144 points): a minimum of 96 points of business and commerce study over Part A and Part B, and 48 points of free electives in Part C.

In choosing your units you must ensure that you complete no more than 10 level 1 units (60 points), and that you complete at least six units (36 points) at level 3 of which at least four (24 points) are Bachelor of Business and Commerce listed units.

The course progression mapcourse progression map (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/2017handbooks/maps/map-b2026.pdf) will assist you to plan to meet the course requirements, and guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Units are 6 points unless otherwise specified.

Part A. Business and commerce specified study (48 points)

a. Students complete:

  • ACW1100 Introduction to financial accounting or ACW1200 Accounting for managers
  • BTW1042 Malaysian business law
  • ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
  • ETW1000 Business and economic statistics or ETW1102 Business statistics
  • MGW1010 Introduction to management
  • MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice
  • BEX3555 Integrative business practices

b. Students select from any unit listed under the Bachelor of Business and Commerce, at least one, and as many other units as required to take the total number of credit points completed in Parts A and B to 96 points.

Part B. Business listed major (48 points)

Complete at least one business and commerce listed major from those listed below:

A major requires eight units with no more than two units (12 points) at level 1 credited to the major and at least three units (18 points) at level 3 credited to the major.

Depending on the major you choose, you may have already studied one of the required units as part of your business specified study. If so, you must complete an additional business unit offered on your campus of enrolment to have at least 96 points from the Faculty of Business and Economics.

If you intend to undertake an honours year, you should ensure you complete the specific units required for honours in your chosen major area of study.

Part C. Free elective study (48 points)

Elective units may be chosen from units available in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce course, including units to complete a second major. Note that at most two units may contribute towards two majors.

Elective units may also be used to sample disciplines from across the University or to complete a major or minor(s) from another course if you have the required prerequisites and there are no restrictions on enrolment into the units.

Free electives can be identified using the browse unitsbrowse units (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/units/search) tool and indexes of unitsindexes of units (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/units/) in the current edition of the Handbook. MajorsMajors (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/aos/index-bydomain_type-major.html) and minorsminors (http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/aos/index-bydomain_type-minor.html) can also be identified using the Handbook indexes. The level of the unit is indicated by the first number in the unit code; undergraduate units are those that commence with the numbers 1-3. You may need permission from the owning faculty to enrol in some units taught by other faculties.

For students in a double degree course, some units required for the other degree are credited as electives towards this business and commerce degree.

Progression to further studies


Students successfully completing the Bachelor of Business and Commerce may proceed to a one year honours program leading to B3702 Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours). To be eligible to apply for entry into the Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours), students must obtain a distinction grade average (70 per cent) or above in relevant level 2 and level 3 units.