Students who commenced study in 2016 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.
Commencement year
This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2016 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Science.
Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.
Course code
Credit points
Abbreviated title
Managing faculty
Contact details
Clayton: telephone +61 3 9905 4604, email or visit; Malaysia: email
Admission and fees
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Course type
Single degree
Standard duration
3 years FT, 6 years PT
The maximum time for completion of the course is 10 years (including any periods of intermission).
Bachelor of Science
The Bachelor of Science course will provide you with a broad, general science education, as well as specialist training in one or more science disciplines. The flexibility of the course and the wide range of majors and minors will allow you to explore new areas, further develop your strengths in science, and pursue your interests beyond the area in which you specialise.
You will receive training in generic competencies - critical thinking, problem solving, quantitative and information literacy, communication and presentation skills, and the capacity to work in teams - and will develop knowledge and skills in at least one science discipline. This will ensure that you have a firm foundation for a career in science or in allied fields where scientific understanding and skills are central.
As a graduate you will be equipped for a variety of careers or for honours and postgraduate study. You will be able to pursue employment opportunities in any of the traditional and emerging careers for scientists in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, and apply for positions in a diverse range of fields. Some examples of these include journalism and publishing, business research and analysis, public relations and marketing, banking and finance, human resources, training and development, public or civil services, diplomacy, public policy makers, social and community services, counselling, and social welfare.
The Bachelor of Science can be taken in combination with the following courses:
This will lead to the award of two degrees, the Bachelor of Science and the degree awarded by the partner course. The requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Science degree are the same whether completed as a single or double degree. Students should refer to the course entry for the partner course in their double degree, for the requirements for the other degree.
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 7, the Bologna Cycle 1 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 7, the Bologna Cycle 1 and Monash Graduate Attributes (
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that you will be able to:
Students must complete the level one sequences at stage one before enrolling in level two science units.
This is a comprehensive course, structured in three equal parts:
This will expose you to several science disciplines contributing breadth to your understanding of science and giving you the opportunity to learn more about several disciplines before finalising your choice of major. It will also provide you with the mathematical or statistical foundation for your study of science and address the nature of science and its communication.
This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your expertise in one discipline area. You will learn to develop, apply and communicate an advanced level of understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that constitute the knowledge base of the discipline.
This will enable you to further develop your knowledge of your chosen major, or the sciences more broadly, or study a second science major. Alternatively you can select units from across the University in which you are eligible to enrol.
Students must complete units as specified in Parts A, B and C (144 points): a minimum of 96 points of Bachelor of Science listed study over Part A and Part B, and 48 points of free electives in Part C.
In choosing your 96 points of Bachelor of Science listed study over Part A and Part B, you must ensure that you complete six science listed units (36 points) at level 1 and ten science listed units (60 points) at levels 2 and 3, with a minimum of four (24 points) at level 3.
You must also ensure that across the whole course, you complete no more than ten level 1 units (60 points).
The course progression mapcourse progression map ( will assist you to plan to meet the course requirements, and guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.
Units are 6 points unless otherwise specified.
Although the requirements in Part A appear to exceed 48 points, a level 1 sequence is typically counted towards your major (Part B) and not towards this Part.
(a.) At least two level 1 approved science sequences (24 points) from the following list.
Normally, the units in a level 1 sequence are required for the completion of a related minor or major. The choice of level 1 sequences will influence your choice of level 2 and level 3 units and will lay the foundation for your major. If you are studying a single degree course, it is recommended that you take a third level 1 sequence in your first year to increase your options for choice of major. (Generally, students completing a double degree course will not be able to fit in three level 1 sequences unless one of them is mathematics.)
One pair of:
Note 1: Students in the double degree course with Biomedical Science who complete BMS1011 and BMS1021 can replace BIO1011 and BIO1022 here with any other level 1 science units for the purposes of this requirement.
One pair of:
One pair of:
One pair of:
Note 2: Students with a strong mathematics background and an interest in the subject could replace the units MTH1030 and/or MTH2010 with their advanced versions MTH1035 and/or MTH2015 respectively. Students will need to seek permission to enrol in these units at the Science Student ServicesScience Student Services ( office.
Note 3: Students in the double degree course with Engineering who complete ENG1090 and/or ENG1005 can replace MTH1020 and/or MTH1030 in this requirement with any other level 1 science unit(s). These students cannot complete MTH2010 or MTH2015, and may replace MTH2010 with either ENG2005 or ENG2006 from 2017.
Note 4: Students in the double degree course with Computer Science who complete MAT1830, and/or who take MTH1030 instead of MAT1841, can replace those units with any other level 1 science unit(s) for the purposes of this requirement.
One pair of
Note 5: Students in the double degree course with Biomedical Science or with Engineering who complete BMS1031 or PHS1080 as part of the Biomedical Science or Engineering requirement, take any other level 1 science unit in lieu of PHS1031 or PHS1080 as these units are equivalent and fulfil the prerequisites for the second semester PHS units.
(b.) At least one of the following level 1 mathematics or statistics units (6 points) if not already taken as part of a level 1 approved sequence:
Note 6: The unit required in b. will depend on your mathematics background and interests:
Recommended for students planning to study areas where experimental design and data analysis skills are particularly important, such as the life sciences. SCI1020 is for students without a strong mathematics background, while STA1010 requires students to have studied VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 (or equivalent).
Recommended for students with an interest in mathematics and/or physics. MTH1020 requires students to have studied VCE Mathematical Methods (or equivalent). MTH1030 requires students to have studied VCE Specialist Mathematics (or equivalent) or MTH1020.
Students could replace the unit MTH1030 with the advanced version MTH1035, and should seek permission to enrol in this unit at the Science Student ServicesScience Student Services ( office.
Note 7: Students in a double degree course with Commerce, Commerce Specialist, Engineering or Computer Science do not complete b. because those courses include a corresponding mathematics requirement (that is, ETC1000, ENG1005 and MAT1841).
(c.) Any additional level 1 units (usually one or two) required to take the total level 1 science listed units to 36 credit points. Level 1 science listed units are chosen from units listed under any major, extended major or minor offered in the Bachelor of Science or from the following:
Note 8: Students in a double degree course can replace one level 1 science listed unit with a level 2 or level 3 science listed unit.
(d.) One unit (6 points) from:
(e.) Any additional units required to make the total level 2 and 3 Bachelor of Science listed units to 60 points (inclusive of the unit in part d. and the units in your major in Part B), with at least 24 points at level 3, chosen from:
Complete at least one science listed major. A major requires eight units with no more than two units at level 1 (12 points) and at least three units (18 points) at level 3. You may replace the major with an extended major by using the elective units available in Part A or Part C.
It is recommended that you consider completing level 2 units in more than one area of science to maximise your choice of major at level 3.
If you intend to undertake an honours year you should ensure you complete the specific units required as a pre-requisite for honours in your chosen major area of study.
Refer also to the table of minors and majors by campusminors and majors by campus ( which details if an area of study is available as a minor, major or extended major.
Note: Psychology is taught by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.
Note: Psychology is taught by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.
Your elective units may be chosen from remaining units available in the Bachelor of Science course and will enable you to extend your major or to complete a second major or minor(s). Note that, at most, two level 1 units may be counted towards two majors or a major and a minor; no level 2 or level 3 units can be counted towards two majors or a major and a minor.
Elective units may also be taken from non-science disciplines to broaden your knowledge or to complete a major or minor(s) from another course as long as you have the prerequisites and there are no restrictions on enrolment in the units.
Students successfully completing the Bachelor of Science may proceed to a one year honours program leading to S3701 Bachelor of Science (Honours). To be eligible to apply for entry into the Bachelor of Science (Honours), students must obtain a distinction grade average (70 percent) or above in 24 points of studies in relevant units at level 3, which will normally include at least 18 points of units in the discipline in which you wish to undertake honours. In addition, some majors require at least four level 3 units in the major and/or particular level 3 elective units to be taken for admission to honours.