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Students who commenced study in 2016 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

Monash University

Postgraduate - Course

Commencement year

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2016 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Course code


Credit points


Abbreviated title




Managing faculty

Business and Economics

Admission and fees

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Course type

Single degree
Master's by coursework

Standard duration

1.5 years FT, 3 years PT

Students have a maximum of five years to complete this course.

Mode and location

On-campus (Caulfield)
Off-campus (Caulfield)


Master of Marketing


This course is designed for experienced professionals in any business domain, who seek cutting edge theoretical knowledge and problems solving skills in marketing. The course features a comprehensive intellectually stimulating set of marketing concepts taught by a world class faculty, and will enable considerable advancement in any chosen career. It is appropriate for those in middle to senior marketing positions or for those aspiring to such positions.


These course outcomes are aligned the Australian Qualifications Framework level 9, the Bologna Cycle 2 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 9, the Bologna Cycle 2 and Monash Graduate Attributes (

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that graduates will:

  1. be critical and creative scholars who:
    • produce innovative solutions to problems
    • apply research skills to business challenges
    • communicate effectively and perceptively
  2. be responsible and effective global citizens who:
    • engage in an internationalised world
    • exhibit cross cultural competence
    • demonstrate ethical values
  3. have a comprehensive understanding of their discipline and be able to provide discipline-based solutions relevant to the business, professional and public policy communities we serve
  4. have advanced knowledge to master's level in marketing.


The course is structured in two parts. Part A. Mastery knowledge and Part B. Application studies. All students complete Part A. Depending upon prior qualifications you may receive credit for part B.

Part A. Mastery knowledge

These units will provide you with a comprehensive study of the field and the impacts of marketing within organisations. You will gain an appreciation of key concepts and contemporary practice to and develop your capacity to operate as a critical and creative professional.

Part B. Application studies

These studies will advance your knowledge and skill development and provide you with specialist professional knowledge and advanced practical skills that can be applied in the marketing field.


The course comprises 72 points structured into two parts: Part A. Mastery knowledge (48 points) and Part B. Application studies (24 points).

  • Students admitted at Entry level 1 complete 72 points, comprising Part A and Part B.
  • Students admitted at Entry level 2 complete 48 points, comprising Part A.

Note: Students eligible for credit for prior studies may elect not to receive the credit and complete one of the higher credit-point options.

The course progression mapcourse progression map ( will assist you to plan to meet the course requirements, and guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Units are 6 credit points unless otherwise stated.

Part A. Mastery knowledge (48 points)

Students complete:

a. Four units (30 points):

  • MKF5917 Understanding marketing and consumers*
  • MKF5741 Marketing performance and decision analysis
  • MKF5760 Marketing leadership in society
  • MKF5351 Marketing strategy masterclass (12 points)

b. Two or three units (18 points) from the following:

*Students with an undergraduate marketing major may apply for exemption from this unit.

** Students with an undergraduate marketing major are precluded from undertaking this unit.

Part B. Application studies (24 points)

Students complete either a) or b) below:

a. Four units (24 points) of elective units at either Level 4 or 5 from the Faculty of Business and Economics or across the University so long as you have the pre-requisites and there are no restrictions on admission to the units.

b. Three research pathway units (24 points):

  • MKF5301 Minor thesis (12 points)
  • MKX4070 Qualitative research methods
  • MKX4080 Advanced business research methods

Progression to further studies

Students can choose to complete a program of study (24 points) that may provide a pathway to a higher degree by research.

Alternative exit(s)

Students may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in the Masters course:

  • Graduate Certificate in Business after successful completion of 24 credit points of study with a minimum of 18 credit points at level 4 or above.
  • Graduate Diploma in Business after successful completion of 48 credit points of study with a minimum of 36 credit points at level 4 or above.