

Monash University

Undergraduate - Course

Students who commenced study in 2014 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

print version

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2014 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Engineering

Managing facultyEngineering
Abbreviated titleBEnvEng(Hons)
CRICOS code031498A
Total credit points required192
Standard duration of study (years)4 years FT, 8 years PT
Study mode and locationOn-campus (Clayton)
Admission, fee and application details
Contact details

Telephone +61 3 9905 4971 or +61 3 9905 1352,

email: or visit

Course coordinator



  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.
  • This course must be completed in a minimum of four and a maximum of eight years.


The environmental engineering course has been designed to be multidisciplinary. At third year, the selection of one major stream or two minor streams, provides for in-depth treatment of one or more specific areas of application of environmental engineering principles. Thus core engineering knowledge and skills are complemented by units from science, economics, arts and law. The elective streams include environmental process engineering, transport and the built environment, and water and land management.


These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 8, the Bologna Cycle 1 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 8, the Bologna Cycle 1 and Monash Graduate Attributes (

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that graduates will be able to:

  • develop and proficiently apply fundamental environmental engineering knowledge and skills to solve complex problems
  • identify, interpret and critically appraise current developments and advanced technologies and apply them to environmental engineering
  • identify and synthesise the constraints posed by economic factors, safety considerations, environment impacts and professional standards on engineering practice and use them to inform professional judgements
  • integrate sustainability criteria into all levels of decision making
  • research, identify, conceptualise, investigate, and interpret knowledge from modern engineering tools and techniques to synthesise a coherent approach to the solution of a problem and/or the design of a project
  • identify and critically evaluate the performance of an engineering system in terms of economics, safety and the social and physical environment, and implement approaches to minimise any adverse impact leading to sustainable development
  • understand and address the political, social and economic factors in environmental management in a systematic way leading to sustainable solutions
  • show awareness of and ability to proficiently apply impact assessment skills to the planning and execution of projects leading to sustainable solutions of a professional standard
  • develop and apply a global perspective on environmental issues
  • Communicate effectively on both technical and general issues with peers, associates, clients and the general public
  • operate effectively and professionally in a multi-disciplinary team to avoid and solve engineering problems
  • plan, organise and use resources efficiently
  • demonstrate the highest standards of personal performance
  • demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and professional development
  • develop and implement a sustainability ethic taking account of the responsibilities of engineers to the community, the engineering profession and the industrial and business world
  • demonstrate commitment to ethical standards and legal responsibilities to the community and the profession
  • develop and proficiently apply analytical and design skills in at least one major specialised environmental engineering area

Vacation work/industrial experience

In order to fulfil the requirements of the various degree regulations and Engineers Australia, all engineering students must complete 12 weeks of approved engineering work experience and submit a report on that work. Such work is normally undertaken in the vacations between second and third years and/or between third and fourth years (but may also be taken between first and second years). Students who have completed all academic requirements for their degrees are not eligible to graduate until this work experience has been completed and a satisfactory report submitted.

Professional recognition

Refer to the Faculty of Engineering's Professional recognition of coursesProfessional recognition of courses ( page in this Handbook.


This course consists of core and elective units.

Level one of the course provides a broad base of science, mathematics, introductory engineering and environment units designed to form the basis of a multidisciplinary engineering education. The large majority of students entering the faculty have completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), and references in the following paragraphs are to the prerequisite VCE subjects. Some domestic and international students enter the faculty with equivalent qualifications, and advice about unit choice for students with qualifications other than the VCE may be obtained from the faculty administration offices. Foundation units are required for students who have not completed appropriate VCE studies.

Level two increases the engineering content, which is a mixture of core engineering units and more environmentally-directed units. Mathematics is continued. Environmental policy is introduced to begin to integrate the content gained from the other units.

Level three introduces more environmentally-focused engineering units. It builds upon the core units of level two, provides units that address environmental impact and management systems, and sees the commencement of the selected elective stream(s). From level three, the course is divided into three streams:

  • environmental process engineering
  • transport and the built environment
  • water and land management

Students must choose one major or two minor elective streams, taking core units at each level as well as stream core and stream elective units from their chosen stream(s).

Level four seeks to integrate and provide application for much of the earlier knowledge and skills developed by way of substantial engineering design and project work within the various specific elective streams. These units are complemented by further in-depth elective units, and interdisciplinary units from environmental law, economics and policy areas.


Level one

Core units

Foundation units

Students who have not completed VCE units 3 and 4 of Chemistry or Physics and/or Specialist mathematics are required to select one or two appropriate foundation units(s) from:

Elective units

Select none, one or two units from:

  • CHM2735 Chemistry - principles and practice
  • ENG1050 Engineering materials
  • ENG1061 Engineering profession
  • ENG1071 Chemistry for engineering
  • ESC1022 Planet Earth: Dynamic systems, environmental change and resources
  • PHS1042 Physics, energy and the environment

Total: 48 points

Level two

  • ATS2548 Environmental policy and management
  • BIO2011 Ecology and biodiversity
  • CHE2162 Material and energy balances
  • CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
  • CIV2263 Water systems
  • CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
  • ENE2503 Materials properties and recycling
  • ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A

Total: 48 points

Level three

Core units

  • CIV3248 Groundwater and environmental geoengineering
  • CIV3264 Urban water and wastewater systems
  • ENE3048 Energy and the environment
  • ENE3606 The air environment
  • ENE3608 Environmental impact assessment and management systems

Stream units

Students must complete one of the following streams.

Environmental process engineering
  • CHE3163 Sustainable processing I
  • CHM2735 Chemistry - principles and practice
  • 6 points from the list of elective units below
Transport and the built environment
  • CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
  • 12 points from the list of elective units below
Water and land management
  • CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
  • 12 points from the list of elective units below

Total: 48 points

Level four

Core units

  • APG4429 Prosperity, poverty and sustainability in a globalised world
  • BTC3100 Sustainability and the law
  • ENE4607 Environmental risk assessment

Stream units

Environmental process engineering
  • CHE4170 Design project (12 points)
  • 18 points from the list of elective units below
Transport and the built environment
  • ENE4212 Environmental design
  • ENE4603 Environmental project A
  • 18 points from the list of elective units below
Water and land management
  • ENE4212 Environmental design
  • ENE4603 Environmental project A
  • 18 points from the list of elective units below.

Total: 48 points

Elective units

Other units may be chosen with the approval of the course director.

Environmental process engineering

Water and land management

  • CIV2207 Computer and water systems modelling
  • CIV3204 Engineering investigations
  • CIV3247 Geomechanics II
  • CIV4248 Ground hazards and environmental geotechnics
  • CIV4261 Integrated urban water management
  • CIV4268 Water resources management
  • ENE4604 Environmental project B
  • MTE4593 Materials and environment
  • MTE4599 Materials for energy technologies

Transport and the built environment


Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours)

Where more than one award is listed the actual award(s) conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.