

Monash University

Undergraduate - Course

Students who commenced study in 2014 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

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This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2014 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Science

Managing facultyScience
Abbreviated titleBSc(Bio)/BSc(MedBio)
Total credit points required192
Standard duration of study (years)4 years FT, 8 years PT
Study mode and locationOn-campus (Malaysia)
Admission, fee and application details
Contact details


Course coordinator

Dr Emily Goh Joo Kheng


  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.
  • The maximum time for completion of the course is 10 years, including any periods of intermission. Students cannot take additional units that exceed the 192 credit points required for the course. Students wishing to take additional units can only enrol on a single unit (non-award) basis (full-fee) with the approval of the faculty.
  • This course has compulsory off-campus placement requirements.


This double-degree program provides the opportunity to combine studies in biotechnology with medical bioscience. Upon completion of this course, students will have knowledge of science across a range of disciplines with a high level of understanding and appreciation in a broad spectrum of areas relating to medical bioscience and biotechnology, with an emphasis on aspects of human health in tropical regions. Graduates will have the skills to utilise sophisticated equipment to effectively communicate, liaise and cooperate with others in a multidisciplinary setting and to work within and contribute to a team environment, particularly in the field of patient care.


Refer to the outcomes for the single degrees 2006 Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) and 3522 Bachelor of Science (Medical Bioscience).


Students must undergo industrial training at stage three of the course via a professional attachment to a clinical or medical laboratory as part of the course requirements.


This course consists of core and elective units.


Students must complete:

(a.) the following units:

(b.) at least three of:

  • BTH3722 Medical microbiology
  • IMM3802 Essentials of applied immunology
  • MBS3010 Population health and healthcare
  • PHA3801 Principles of pharmacology

(c.) additional elective units chosen from any faculty at Malaysia, including units offered for other science courses, to take the total credit points to 192

When selecting elective units, these can be identified using the browse units toolbrowse units tool ( and indexes of unitsindexes of units ( in the current edition of the Handbook. The level of the unit is indicated by the first number in the unit code; undergraduate units are those that commence with the numbers 1-3. Note: Some non-science units may require permission from the owning faculty.

Note: Students must complete:

  • at least 36 points of science units at level one and at least 24 points of science units at level three
  • no more than 60 points of level one units overall.

Alternative exit(s)

Students may graduate with either of the single degrees in this course following completion of at least 144 points and all core units of the relevant degree.


Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science (Medical Bioscience)