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All areas of study information should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. The units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Arts component of any bachelors double degrees.
DescriptionSustainable land and water management are pressing environmental issues facing cities and regions in Australia and many parts of the world. This interdisciplinary area of study draws from scientific investigations in geomorphology, hydrology, soil science and biogeography, as well as social science approaches to environmental and resource management. It provides a sound understanding of key environmental processes, as well as treating the many challenges arising from the human use and stewardship of landscapes. Students undertaking this area of study will develop analytical skills, practical and field-based experience, basic and applied research abilities that will enable them to pursue careers in areas such as catchment management, water supply and river management, land capability mapping, resource inventory, park management, the management of bushfire impacts on land and water resources. UnitsFirst year levelStudents studying a sequence in land and water management must complete the following two units (12 points):
Second/Third year levelStudents undertaking a minor or major in land and water management must have completed the first-year sequence. In addition:
Compulsory units
and one of the following units:
Elective units
Relevant CoursesDiplomas
BachelorsSingle degrees
Double degrees