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Units indexed by Campus: Sunway
- AFF9150 Options, futures and risk management
- AFF9730 International finance
- AFW1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFW1002 Introduction to financial accounting
- AFW1300 Money and capital markets
- AFW1310 Introduction to Islamic banking and finance
- AFW2020 Cost information for decision making
- AFW2341 International financial management
- AFW2401 Commercial banking and finance
- AFW2491 Company reporting
- AFW2631 Financial management
- AFW2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFW3021 Performance measurement and control
- AFW3040 Accounting theory
- AFW3041 Auditing and assurance
- AFW3050 Financial accounting issues
- AFW3121 Investments and portfolio management
- AFW3331 International banking and finance
- AFW3651 Treasury management
- AFW3841 Lending decisions
- ANT2331 Introduction to anatomy and medical terminology
- ASM4000 Research Project
- AST4000 Contemporary Issues in Asia
- AST5000 Contemporary Issues in Asia
- BEW3100 Work placement program
- BEW4000 Research methodology 1
- BEW4010 Research methodology 2
- BEW4020 Directed studies 1
- BEW4030 Directed studies 2
- BEW4100 Research project and report
- BEW4500 Bachelor of business and commerce honours
- BIO1011 Biology I
- BIO1022 Biology II
- BIO2011 Ecology
- BIO3011 Research methods in biology
- BTH1802 Fundamentals of biotechnology
- BTH2732 Recombinant DNA technology
- BTH2741 Biochemistry
- BTH2752 Cellular metabolism
- BTH2811 Bioprocess technology
- BTH2820 Crop science
- BTH3711 Food and industrial microbiology
- BTH3752 Molecular biology and biotechnology
- BTH3820 Plant biotechnology
- BTW1200 Business law
- BTW2213 Malaysian company law
- BTW2241 Comparative workplace relations law
- BTW2313 Malaysian corporate governance
- BTW3153 Malaysian income tax law
- BTW3201 International trade law
- BTW3243 Finance law
- BTW3281 Marketing law
- BTX9190 International trade law
- CHE2161 Fluid mechanics
- CHE2162 Material and energy balances
- CHE2163 Heat and mass transfer
- CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
- CHE2165 Bio-nano engineering
- CHE3161 Chemistry and chemical thermodynamics
- CHE3163 Sustainable processing I
- CHE3164 Reaction engineering
- CHE3165 Separation processes
- CHE3166 Process design
- CHE3175 Sustainable process engineering case studies
- CHE4161 Engineer in society
- CHE4162 Particle technology
- CHE4163 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
- CHE4170 Design project
- CHE4173 Sustainable processing 2
- CHE4180 Chemical engineering project
- CHM1011 Chemistry
- CHM1022 Chemistry
- CHM2741 Instrumental analysis
- CHM2951 Environmental chemistry - water
- CHM3960 Environmental chemistry
- COM1010 Media studies
- COM1020 Introduction to communication studies
- COM2409 Media texts
- COM2411 Media, culture, power
- COM3020 The second media age
- COM3408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM3409 Media texts
- COM3411 Media, culture, power
- COM3413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM3420 Communication research and methodology
- COM3423 Media audiences
- COM400H(A) Dissertation Part 1
- COM400H(B) Dissertation Part 2
- COM4010(H) Research issues and methodology
- COM4020 Communications and cultural studies applied: Industry practice
- COM4020(H) Industry practice applied
- COM4060(H) Readings in social, political and cultural theory
- COM4131 Contemporary media and communications theory
- COM4302 Media flows
- COM5020 Communications and cultural studies applied: Industry practice
- COM5220 Research dissertation
- COM5302 Media flows
- CRT4760 Gender, body and performance
- CRT4830 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT5760 Gender, body and performance
- CRT5830 Popular culture and ethics
- ECE2011 Signal processing
- ECE2021 Electromagnetism
- ECE2031 Circuits and control
- ECE2041 Telecommunications
- ECE2061 Analogue electronics
- ECE2071 Computer organisation and programming
- ECE2072 Digital systems
- ECE3022 Wireless and Guided EM
- ECE3031 Control systems
- ECE3051 Electrical energy systems
- ECE3073 Computer systems
- ECE3091 Engineering design
- ECE3092 Systems engineering and reliability analysis
- ECE3093 Optimisation estimation and numerical methods
- ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
- ECE4024 Wireless communications
- ECE4033 Industrialisation processes
- ECE4042 Communications theory
- ECE4043 Optical communications
- ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
- ECE4045 Network performance
- ECE4063 Large scale digital design
- ECE4064 Electronic test technology
- ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
- ECE4094 Project A
- ECE4095 Project B
- ECE4099 Professional practice
- ECF9210 Introduction to international economics
- ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECW1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECW2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECW2731 Managerial economics
- ECW3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECW3301 Case studies in international trade
- ECW3830 Competition and regulation
- ECX3550 Business in Asia
- ENE3608 Environmental impact assessment and management systems
- ENG1010 Process systems analysis
- ENG1020 Engineering structures
- ENG1030 Electrical systems
- ENG1040 Engineering dynamics
- ENG1050 Engineering materials
- ENG1060 Computing for engineers
- ENG1061 Engineering profession
- ENG1081 Physics for engineering
- ENG1091 Mathematics for engineering
- ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A
- ENG2092 Advanced engineering mathematics B
- ENH2405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH2407 Authorship and writing
- ENV1800 Environmental science: a Southeast Asian perspective
- ENV2726 Conservation of bioresources
- ENV2757 Environmental health
- ENV3011 Environmental analysis 2: decision making
- ENV3737 Environmental management
- ETW1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETW1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETW1102 Business statistics
- ETW2111 Business data modelling
- ETW2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETW2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics
- ETW2480 Business modelling methods
- ETW3410 Applied econometrics
- ETW3420 Principles of forecasting and applications
- ETW3480 Decision analysis for managers
- FIT1001 Computer systems
- FIT1002 Computer programming
- FIT1003 IT in organisations
- FIT1004 Database
- FIT1005 Networks and data communications
- FIT1008 Computer science
- FIT1011 Web systems 1
- FIT1020 Fundamentals of information systems
- FIT2001 Systems analysis and design
- FIT2002 Project management
- FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures
- FIT2008 Networks and data communications
- FIT2010 Database
- FIT2014 Theory of computation
- FIT2018 Network administration
- FIT2019 Network standards and specifications
- FIT2022 Computer systems 2
- FIT2027 Systems design and implementation
- FIT2028 Web systems 2
- FIT2051 Analysis and design methods
- FIT2052 Electronic business
- FIT2053 Web-based information systems
- FIT3002 Applications of data mining
- FIT3014 Analysis and design of algorithms
- FIT3027 Mobile middleware
- FIT3031 Information and network security
- FIT3036 Computer science project
- FIT3043 Web systems 3
- FIT3047 Industrial experience project
- FIT3048 Industrial experience project
- FIT3063 Human-computer interaction
- FIT3066 Information technology strategy and management
- FIT3068 Systems integration
- FIT3077 Software engineering: architecture and design
- FIT3080 Artificial intelligence
- FIT3081 Image processing
- FIT3086 Project management
- FST1800 Fundamentals of food science
- FST3810 Human nutrition
- FTV1010 Contemporary television studies
- FTV1050 Contemporary film studies
- FTV2120 Malaysian cinema
- FTV3120 Malaysian cinema
- GEN2041 Foundations of genetics
- GEN3030 Genetics of development
- GEN3040 Genomics and molecular genetics
- GLO2000 Global studies
- GLO3000 Global studies
- GLO3001 Global research
- GND2070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
- GND3070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
- HPL3503 International relations
- HUP3801 Essentials of pathology
- IMM3802 Essentials of applied immunology
- INT1010 Contemporary worlds 1
- INT1020 Contemporary worlds 2
- INT2030 Nationality, ethnicity and conflict
- INT2040 Globalization and its discontents
- INT2050 Mobile worlds: Migrants, refugees and the politics of belonging
- INT2060 Global cultures, local traditions: Creating and consuming (popular) culture
- INT2085 Governing the global economy: Stability, efficiency, justice
- INT3030 Nationality, ethnicity and conflict
- INT3040 Globalization and its discontents
- INT3050 Mobile worlds: Migrants, refugees and the politics of belonging
- INT3060 Global cultures, local traditions: Creating and consuming (popular) culture
- INT3085 Governing the global economy: Stability, efficiency, justice
- INT4000(A) Dissertation Part 1
- INT4000(B) Dissertation Part 2
- JRN1902 Newsroom practice and theory
- JRN1903 Feature writing
- JRN2901 International journalism
- JRN2903 Online journalism
- JRN2904 Editing for print media
- JRN2907 Radio and television journalism
- JRN2909 Media law
- JRN2910 Journalism ethics
- JRN3901 International journalism
- JRN3903 Online journalism
- JRN3904 Editing for print media
- JRN3909 Media law
- JRN3910 Journalism ethics
- LAW4126E Malaysian and Singaporean legal systems
- LAW7421 Overseas study and research a
- LAW7422 Overseas study and research b
- MAL1000 Malaysian studies
- MAT1830 Mathematics for computer science 2
- MAT1841 Mathematics for computer science 1
- MEC2401 Dynamics I
- MEC2402 Engineering design I
- MEC2403 Mechanics of materials
- MEC2404 Fluid mechanics I
- MEC2405 Thermodynamics
- MEC2406 Engineering design II
- MEC2407 Electromechanics
- MEC3451 Fluid Mechanics II
- MEC3452 Design III
- MEC3453 Dynamics II
- MEC3454 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC3455 Solid Mechanics
- MEC3456 Engineering computational analysis
- MEC3457 Systems and control
- MEC3458 Experimental project
- MEC4401 Project I
- MEC4402 Project II
- MEC4403 Minor research project
- MEC4404 Professional practice
- MEC4417 Refrigeration and air conditioning
- MEC4418 Control systems
- MEC4444 Industrial noise and control
- MEC4447 Computers in fluids and energy
- MEC4456 Robotics
- MED1011 Medicine 1
- MED1022 Medicine 2
- MED2000 Year 2 Final Grade
- MED2031 Medicine 3
- MED2042 Medicine 4
- MED3051 Medicine and surgery 1
- MED3062 Medicine and surgery 2
- MED4000 Year 4 Final Grade
- MED4071 General practice and psychological medicine
- MED4082 Women's and children's health
- MED5091 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5092 Advanced clinical practice II
- MED5100 Final MBBS grade
- MED5102 Contemporary developments in clinical practice: Patient safety
- MGW1010 Introduction to management
- MGW1100 Managerial communication
- MGW2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGW2351 International business
- MGW2430 Human resource management
- MGW2700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
- MGW3121 International business strategy
- MGW3130 Organisational change and development
- MGW3381 Management information systems
- MGW3401 Strategic management
- MGW3681 International management
- MGX5171 Managing the multinational enterprise: cases and issues
- MGX5181 International business strategy
- MGX5310 International management process
- MGX5461 Contemporary issues in globalisation
- MGX5631 International human resource management
- MGX5730 International trade policy
- MGX5900 Research report
- MGX5901 Research report (introduction)
- MGX9660 International business theory and practice
- MGX9850 Human resource management
- MIC2011 Introduction to microbiology and microbial biotechnology
- MIC3802 Principles of medical microbiology
- MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKW1601 Introduction to e-business
- MKW2402 Consumer behaviour
- MKW2420 Marketing research methods
- MKW2460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKW2841 E-business models and analysis
- MKW3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKW3440 Marketing strategy
- MKW3444 International marketing
- MKW3841 E-business performance measurement
- MKW3881 Electronic marketing
- MKX1500 Retail management principles
- MKX5260 International marketing
- MKX9550 Marketing and the international consumer
- MRU0042 Research in Medicine and Health Sciences at Monash Malaysia
- MUS1000 Music and popular culture: Asia
- MUS1040 American music and popular culture
- NUR1441 Therapeutic dimensions in nursing
- NUR1443 Professional issues
- NUR2447 Clinical concepts
- NUR3541 Health teaching and promotion
- NUR3543 Legal and ethical issues in contemporary nursing
- NUR4546 Nursing research and practice
- NUR9204 Education in nursing and midwifery
- PAC1111 Introduction to physiology
- PAC1121 Organic chemistry
- PAC1132 Systems physiology
- PAC1142 Chemistry of biomolecules
- PAC1211 Physicochemical basis of pharmacy
- PAC1222 Drug delivery I
- PAC1311 Pharmacy, health and society I
- PAC1322 Pharmacy, health and society II
- PHA3801 Principles of pharmacology
- PHY2021 Body systems physiology
- PHY2032 Physiology of human health
- PRL2003 Public relations theory and processes
- PSY1011 Psychology 1A
- PSY1022 Psychology 1B
- PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
- PSY2042 Cognitive and social psychology
- PSY2051 Research design and analysis
- PSY2112 Organisational psychology
- PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
- PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
- PSY3051 Perception and personality
- PSY3062 Research methods and theory
- SCI1020 Introduction to statistical reasoning
- SCI2010 The practice and application of science
- SCI3716 Laboratory and workplace management
- SCI3740 Science in action research project
- SCI3741 Biotechnology in action research project
- SCM3011 Tropical aquatic biology
- SCM3022 Tropical terrestrial biology
- SCM3910 Biotechnology research project
- SCM3920 Environmental science research project
- SCM3930 Medical bioscience research project
- SCM4100 Science research project
- SCM4210 Science project presentation
- SCM4220 Science honours coursework
- TRC2000 Mechatronics project I
- TRC2100 Mechatronic design
- TRC2200 Thermo-fluids and power systems
- TRC2201 Mechanics
- TRC2300 Digital electronics
- TRC2400 Computer programming
- TRC2500 Electronics
- TRC3000 Mechatronics project II
- TRC3200 Dynamical systems
- TRC3300 Microprocessor systems
- TRC3500 Sensors and artificial perception
- TRC3501 Power electronics and drives
- TRC3600 Modelling and control
- TRC3800 Introduction to engineering and functional materials
- TRC3801 Mechatronics and manufacturing
- TRC4000 Mechatronics final year project I
- TRC4001 Mechatronics final year project II
- TRC4002 Professional practice
- TRC4100 Bio-interfacing devices
- TRC4800 Robotics
- TRC4801 Digital communications
- TRC4900 Real time embedded systems
- TRC4901 Computation intelligence and AI
- WRT2407 Postcolonial and diasporic literature
- WRT3421 Writing techniques
- WRT3422 Writing experiments
13 October 2017
21 February 2025