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Handbooks Courses Units
Monash University

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Courses offered in 2009 - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Research degrees

  • 2625 Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2627 Master of Pharmaceutical Science

Coursework programs

Single units

  • 3461 Pharmacy Internship Program: Single Units

* Formerly known as Pharmacy Pre-registration Single Units.

Single unit enrolments are also available in most postgraduate pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy and wound care units.

Graduate Certificates

  • 3460 Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice
  • 2982 Graduate Certificate in Wound Care

Graduate Diplomas

  • 2984 Graduate Diploma in Wound Care


  • 3454 Master of Clinical Pharmacy
  • 3467 Master of Pharmacy Practice
  • 2985 Master of Wound Care