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3460 - Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleGradCertPharmPrac
Managing facultyPharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Intake restrictionsAs this course is not CRICOS registered, international students who are in Australia must apply for an Occupational Trainee Visa (subclass 442) through DIAC (the Department of Immigration and Citizenship). Further information can be found at:
Study location and modeOff-campus (Parkville)
Total credit points required24
Duration (years)1 year PT
Part-time study only. The graduate certificate can be undertaken in one year, however students may take up to three years to complete.
Contact detailsPostgraduate coursework coordinator, telephone +61 3 9903 9509, email,


This graduate certificate allows students to develop further knowledge and skills in a range of pharmacy practice-related areas. This course provides an opportunity for ongoing professional development at the same time as earning an additional qualification.

For pharmacy graduates, the course provides the opportunity to complete an internship (pre-registration) course approved by the Pharmacy Board of Victoria, and to credit this towards a postgraduate qualification. Students can specialise in specific areas of practice by undertaking elective units which cover clinical, economic and wound care relevant to pharmacy.


The Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice assists pharmacy graduates to make the transition from student to independent, competent professional. It does this by helping interns (pre-registrants) to:

  • consolidate and build upon the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experiences gained as an undergraduate
  • apply their knowledge and skills to day-to-day pharmacy practice situations
  • further develop the technical, clinical, personal and professional skills that form the basis of pharmacy practice
  • further develop problem solving skills and application of professional judgement in patient care
  • work within the ethical and legal framework of the profession
  • explore personal career goals and expectations
  • deal with professional and personal pressures associated with being a pharmacist
  • become a 'life-long learner'.


Students complete two core 6-point units and 12 points of elective units.


Core units for new pharmacy graduates

  • VCP5011 Applied pharmacy practice I
  • VCP5012 Applied pharmacy practice II

Together these units comprise the Monash Pharmacy Internship (Pre-registration) course (see course code 3461).

Core units for registered pharmacists

Students are required to complete at least two of the following:


  • ECX9700 Introduction to health economics
  • ECX9710 Pharmaceutical economics
  • ECX9720 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
  • ECX9730 Economic evaluation in healthcare
  • ECX9750 Principles of health economics for developing countries
  • VCG5011 Evidence based practice
  • VCG5021 Patient data and pharmacotherapy I
  • VCP5013 Dermatology
  • VCP5015 Geriatric pharmacy practice
  • VCP5016 Geriatric disease state management
  • VCW1101 Biology of wound healing
  • VCW1102 Wound assessment
  • VCW1103 Wound dressings
  • VCW1104 Management of acute wounds
  • VCW1105 Management of chronic wounds
  • VCW1106 Systemic medication and wound healing

Elective units are assessed by a variety of methods including assignments, online activities and examinations.

Professional recognition

Successful completion of VCP5015 (Geriatric pharmacy practice) is recognised by the Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy (AACP) for Stage 1 of the training program for accreditation of pharmacists to deliver Commonwealth-funded Medication Management Reviews.

Award(s) received on completion

Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice


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